php warning from adminpage.php in version

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin php warning from adminpage.php in version

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  • #779

    Hi Greg,
    I’m getting a php warning in my error log from adminpage.php in version

    Here’s what it says:
    [quote:1izxjv7l]PHP Warning:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in (long path)wp\wp-content\plugins\wp-slimbox2\adminpage.php on line 107, referer: /wp/wp-admin/options-general.php[/quote:1izxjv7l]

    Changing line 107 to:
    [code:1izxjv7l]<?php selectionGen($options->get_option(‘overlayOpacity’),$overlayOpacity); ?>[/code:1izxjv7l] (removing the &) seems to fix the problem.

    I did a search and found this page:


    I’m going to look into this issue, it looks like I accidentally used an old method instead of a new one, thankfully it’s minor. I likely will wait to fix it until the next release, though the fix you used should be safe (if not what I ultimately use myself) if anyone else wants to try it to avoid filling up their error logs.


    Ok, yeah, that’s the fix not sure why I had the & in that call, unless it was the first one I did before I looked up how to do it correctly, in which case I just missed removing it.

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