parent page empty?

Forums Forums Menus parent page empty?

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  • #1169

    pixo point plugins works like a charm, but i cant find one feature.

    on the "Dunedin Ice Hockey Association website" the parent page (categories) link to "#" thats why they arent real pages and cant be clicked, i want to the same feature on my page. is that possible for static pages?


    #7531 uses the custom code option to display the HTML.

    What specifically are you trying to do? The PixoPoint Menu plugin adds #’s where appropriate and with the custom code option you can just add them yourself, so I’m confused as to why you wouldn’t have them in your HTML.


    To make the parent pages "emtpy" so that users must use one of the child pages in the drop down menu, I’m using a plugin called Page Links To located at

    After you install the plugin, there’s a field at the bottom of the edit page screen where you can enter in your site URL with a trailing /# – this makes the parent page essentially redirect to your home page.


    Hope that helps!


    Thanks fleep <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> That plugin is by Mark Jaquith who is one of the top WordPress programmers around, so it is bound to work very well. I’ll keep it bookmarked in case anyone else asks questions about how to do that.

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