Page order?

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  • #2336

    Ah, of course! That makes much more sense.

    Nice idea that is actually. I can see a lot of use for it as it keeps your complete navigation within easy reach no matter where on the page you may be.

    I just setup folders under my regular domain for testing purposes, hence all the demos on here are done that way.


    I’ve added the flyout direction option to the generator …

    I eventually remembered why I could get it to work last time. It was because there was a bug in the generator which was placing the flyouts in the wrong position in IE6. This wasn’t too critical for right hand flyouts as it just caused them to impinge on the dropdown a little, but when they went the other direction it created a gap to the flyout which you couldn’t reach with the mouse. I’ve figured out the problem now though and the generator doesn’t have that bug anymore, hence I’ve been able to add the flyout direction option.

    Thanks for motivating me to sort out the problem <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Cool, and you used negative margins! Glad I can contribute in any way. Thanks again.

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