order of category – not working

Forums Forums Menus order of category – not working

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    Does anyone now how to change the order of the categories?
    I know there is an option under menu contents/Categories settings with Ascending name, descending name, ascendng ID etc., but it does not work.

    However, it does have no effect on the order of my categories.
    I have them as a second menue, the first one is with pages.

    When I switch on my  <?php wp_list_cats(‘sort_column=id&depth=0’); ?>, the order works, but not for the menue of the plugin Multi-level Navigation Plugin

    Any ideas?



    Try the PixoPoint Menu plugin, I have a feeling you may have stumbled across a bug there which has been fixed in the new plugin.



    thanks..I am just trying pixopoint,
    but how do I get rid of recent comments dropdown and recent posts and archives..I done whant those to be shown..
    I cant find any option to switch them off.

    And how can I tell the the seach item to alin right or left?



    and another thing…where can I tell the order of the categories?
    I couldn`t find the option for that?



    And again me…I found out how to get rid of items I dont want.
    But there are many small bugs..so i decided to desinstall Pixompoint plugin and reinstall the old one


    What bugs have you found? I’ll fix them if you point them out to me.

    All of the features you asked about can be controlled via the admin page.


    1) the submenues
    if they pop out the whole content of my page pops down the same amount like the pop out of the sub menue.
    2) I couldn`t find the adjustments for the order of the categories, ID or name.
    3) and I have the fealing that there are less control in the administration pages


    [quote:vl99s4kv]1) the submenues
    if they pop out the whole content of my page pops down the same amount like the pop out of the sub menue.

    That’s just a problem with the integration with your theme. I can’t help without seeing the problem in action.

    [quote:vl99s4kv]2) I couldn`t find the adjustments for the order of the categories, ID or name.[/quote:vl99s4kv]

    They’re in the categories pulldown.

    [quote:vl99s4kv]3) and I have the fealing that there are less control in the administration pages[/quote:vl99s4kv]

    No, there is considerably more control it’s just less cluttered and easier to use that’s all.

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