Order Link Categories in 1.6.2

Forums Forums Menus Order Link Categories in 1.6.2

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  • #555

    I would like to order the link categories instead of the default being alpha. Since the update to the plugin, I’m not sure where to change any codes.

    I would like the link categories at the top to be YOUR SESSION then YOUR ORDER instead of YOUR ORDER then YOUR SESSION (which is default alpha)

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.


    What does YOUR SESSION ORDER and YOUR ORDER mean?

    I could add an option to control the order alphabetically or by ID number, in either accending or descending directions.

    Is that the sort of thing you are looking for? I could add that into the next release if you wanted … should be fairly straightforward.


    I’ve added support for ascending and descending options with both alphabetical and category ID order in the admin panel of the latest version.

    It will be available for download in about five mins via the following link:
    http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/m … plugin.zip

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