Order ascending/descending by Categories ID in WP 2.7.1 doesn‘t work

Forums Forums Menus Order ascending/descending by Categories ID in WP 2.7.1 doesn‘t work

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  • #5553

    I doubt that the German version is behaving any differently. I’ll do some testing and will post back later (maybe in a day or two).


    @daver – I’ve done some testing, but I can’t find any problems with it. What specifically is not working?

    "Ryan" wrote:
    A new version is available in another topic … https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/http://local … ic.php?t=4

    etrule – I’m about to take a look at your other suggestion and will hopefully get that implemented too. I’ve added a credit to you in the readme.txt file (will appear in the plugin repository once it’s uploaded), would you like a link added to your name? If so, just let me know the URL and I’ll add it in.

    Hi Ryan! thanks!
    My link is http://www.netmdp.com&nbsp; <img decoding=” title=”Grin” />


    its still ordered alphabetical and not by ascending ID… i use the newest version of your plugin and wo 2.7.1 DE-Edition.
    maybe i‘m stupid and i‘ve configured it wrong, but where i can do a failure??


    I’ll try it using ascending ID again and see if it is working correctly for me. I may possibly have only tried descending ID when I tested it and forgotten to check ascending as well.


    It seems to be working fine. The categories are ordered in ascending ID and definitely not alphabetically for me when I use the ‘Ascending ID #’ option.


    Hi Ryan,

    firstly, thanks for the great plugin.

    It seems that the issue descibed in this topic has somehow found it’s way back in your code (version 2.1.11). The sorting on Category ID is broken again, and the solution mentioned in this topic fixes it.


    The category order system appears to be working fine on all of my installations of the Multi-Level Navigation plugin.


    Ah, I’ve got it! I wasn’t triggering the bug because of the way I was testing it. A new version is being uploaded right now which fixes this problem.

    &quot;etruel&quot; wrote:
    a temporal solution of this bug until the update of the plugin is edit the file [b:3n9diusi]core.php[/b:3n9diusi] in the plugin folder

    the line 67

    replace by

    It’s work fine for me  <img decoding=” title=”Cheesy” />

    it’s work fine for me too ! thanks


    Good to hear. The update should fix it too hopefully.

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