Order ascending/descending by Categories ID in WP 2.7.1 doesn‘t work

Forums Forums Menus Order ascending/descending by Categories ID in WP 2.7.1 doesn‘t work

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  • #676

    first, i want to thank you for this great plugin! great work!
    but i have a little problem with displaying ascending categorie IDs correctly. i‘va activated the plugin and did no changes in the css. all changes that i‘ve done were:

    • change the Category order to "ascending ID"
    • and set "Show empty categories"

    but the plugin orders the categories still by ascending name and not by ascending id, as you can see it in the source-code:

    [sub:2js1t074]<!– Multi-level Navigational Plugin by PixoPoint Web Development … https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/multi-level-navigation/ –>

    <div id="pixopoint_menu_wrapper1">

    <div id="pixopoint_menu1">
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    i‘ve installed the latest release of the plugin.
    anyone an idea?

    regards from switzerland

    (i‘m sorry abaout my bad english…)


    Hmmm, this might be a bug. I’m too busy to deal wtih this at the moment unfortunately, but I’ll try to remember to look into it in a week or so.


    hi ryan
    i would be very happy about fixing this "bug".
    regards from switzerland


    no idea were the bug is hiding? =)


    Dude – your updated has buggered my site’s navigation – 1 week and no fix?!  WTF?!


    Dude! What update has ‘buggered your site’s navigation’? Which version were you upgrading from and which did you upgrade to?

    I can not help unless someone reports a problem. The above report was for a general bug, no one has mentioned anything about it being caused by an upgrade, hence I haven’t bothered to fix it yet.


    I’m installed the plugin yesterday for first time and it’s excelent!! But I have the some problem.  I need the order of the categories by ascendig ID or "custom order", but still by ascending name.
    any idea?


    I think I found it:
    in core.php in the line 67 change the line
    [code:25rtl36p] wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&’.$suckerfish_categorycount.$suckerfish_categoryshowempty.’&’.get_option(‘suckerfish_includeexcludecategories’).’=’.get_option(‘suckerfish_excludecategories’).$suckerfish_depthcategoriesecho);[/code:25rtl36p]

    [code:25rtl36p] wp_list_categories(‘title_li=&’.$suckerfish_categorycount.$suckerfish_categoryshowempty.’&’.get_option(‘suckerfish_includeexcludecategories’).’=’.get_option(‘suckerfish_excludecategories’).$suckerfish_depthcategoriesecho.$suckerfish_categoryorderecho);[/code:25rtl36p]

    missed parameter $suckerfish_categoryorderecho

    Its work fine for me, enjoy <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />


    a minutes ago I posted like Guest the solution of this problem in reply of this post.
    In my web I need a manually order and the WP plugin my category order work fine for this.

    if you want to do this plugin compatible with "my category order" plugin, you can do this:

    [*:3c7kxl8y]only need a new option in select of categories order… somethink like "My Category Order"[/*:m:3c7kxl8y][/list:u:3c7kxl8y]

    and modify a couple of lines of code in core.php:
    [*:3c7kxl8y]in line 66 + or – add another "case" in the instruction [i:3c7kxl8y][b:3c7kxl8y]switch ($suckerfish_categoryorder){[/b:3c7kxl8y][/i:3c7kxl8y][/*:m:3c7kxl8y][/list:u:3c7kxl8y]

    [code:3c7kxl8y] case "My Category Order":
    $suckerfish_categoryorderecho = ‘&orderby=order’;

    only with two things, your plugin is My Category Order plugin compatible and can order manually 1×1 the categories in the menu

    enjoy <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    Hmmm, this might be a bug. I’m too busy to deal wtih this at the moment unfortunately, but I’ll try to remember to look into it in a week or so.

    This is quite a serious bug and it’s affected me too, it can’t order categories by ID, it only ever seems to do it by ascending name. Have you had a chance to look into this yet? I don’t want my "News" menu item towards the bottom of my menu, I want it at the top! Please try to fix this, because it’s a superb plug-in that is broken in the latest version of WordPress :'(


    a temporal solution of this bug until the update of the plugin is edit the file [b:3ljbj4o7]core.php[/b:3ljbj4o7] in the plugin folder

    the line 67

    replace by

    It’s work fine for me  <img decoding=” title=”Cheesy” />


    Thanks for the bug reports <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll have this added to a new version very shortly … within 10 mins unless I get sidetracked. It won’t be uploaded to the repository for a day or so as I want to triple check no one has any problems with it first as there will be a few extras added in, not only this bug fix.


    A new version is available in another topic … https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/http://local … ic.php?t=4

    etrule – I’m about to take a look at your other suggestion and will hopefully get that implemented too. I’ve added a credit to you in the readme.txt file (will appear in the plugin repository once it’s uploaded), would you like a link added to your name? If so, just let me know the URL and I’ll add it in.


    I’ve now added the code to support the ‘My Category Order’ plugin. If any of you get a chance to test this I’d love to hear if it worked. I don’t actually have the plugin installed so haven’t tested it myself yet but am assuming it should work fine.

    https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/forum/http://local … ic.php?t=4


    i‘m sorry, but your update doesn‘t fix this bug! i‘ve tryed with older version (multilevel & wordpress) but everywhere‘s the same bug…
    maybe your plugin doesnt likes the german wp-edition???
    so, i‘m very pleased if you can FIX this bug.
    thank you!

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