Signed up for prem + at I put it in the header as such. for some odd reason I had to make the thing inline to work properly for the minimuim stuff. but if I add custom code to it. it puts it below the menu area causing a wide bar when it should resize it.
Thanks and yea it seems to be working now. Just was not earlier. Well if I add customer code 1 and put <a herf="/stats">stats /a> it will put stats below interviews on its own line and not on the top with the rest.
It still is doing it for me, I checked for wp_head() and didnt find it anywhere except the header.php file and only once.
Like I said. I have to have it as inline code to work for one, 2nd its not doing the custom code 1 at end proper(just adds another row to it and puts the custom code there)