No dropdown functionality

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  • #234

    Hello, I’m a bit lost. I downloaded the WordPress Dropdown Menu plugin, activated
    it, and put "<?php suckerfish(); ?>" in header.php of my theme. The menu links show
    up but:

    1. there is no dropdown functionality (i.e. subpages appear as a regular link)

    2. no matter what CSS code I enter at the plugin options page the menu always stays
    the same

    Did I forget to do something or why is it not working? Please help.

    Wordpress 2.5.1
    Plugin 1.6.4
    Firefox 2.0
    Windows XP


    Hi Rafael,
    Sorry, but there isn’t much I can do without a link to your site.


    Sorry Ryan, the link is
    Let me know if you need any other access info.


    Hi Rafael,
    It looks like you may have another example of WordPress interfering with the CSS file …

    What permalink structure do you have? For some bizarre reason, the permalink structure of WordPress seems to be interfering with the interaction of the CSS file with the WordPress database on some hosts. I can’t replicate the problem, hence haven’t been able to find a solution to it. I have no idea how to fix it, but if you can think of any possible reasons why you may have this problem on your host I’d love to hear.

    Actually, on second thought, it may have something to do with your permissions settings. What are the permissions settings for your style.php file (in plugins folder)?

    In the mean time, you can fix the problem by upgrading to the new Multi-level Navigation Plugin and choosing the ‘disable css’ option in the admin page, then entering your CSS directly into your themes CSS file.

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