‘no categories’ problem with multi level nav menu

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    Hi, we’re using the excellent multi level nav plugin and have been for a while on a site:


    It was working perfectly but has just started showing ‘no categories’ under news. I noticed another thread on here with a similar issue. I’ve tried deactivating all the other plugins but this seems to make no difference <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />

    The wp_list_categories function used elsewhere in the page seems to work fine so I guess the plugin is having issues… help has anyone else come accross this and then fixed it?


    Did this perhaps happen after a recent update to the My Category Order plugin?


    Actually, that plugin hasn’t been updated since 21/12/2009 so I’m guessing that’s unlikely to be the problem here unless you haven’t upgraded it for a very long time.


    Unfortunately not, I saw that on the other post but we don’t have that plugin installed. I also tried dectivating all plugins other than the drop down nav and the problem still occured … very odd as its been working perfectly for ages

    plugins we have are:

    All in One SEO Pack
    Breadcrumb NavXT
    Contact Form 7
    Improved Include Page
    No category parents
    RB Internal Links
    WordPress Reusables
    WP Google Analytics


    I’m guessing if you deactivate the following plugin you will find the problem disappears:
    "No category parents"

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