NEW: PixoPoint Menu plugin

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    Using it in WP 2.8 and would like to make a page, which is simply being used as a placeholder for the child pages, non clickable in the generated menu so that the end user would have to click on one of the child pages that are shown in the drop down.

    P.S. Also noticed that the Search button can not be dragged to the end of the Inactive Menu Items line as it snaps back to the menu. One has to drag the Search button between two existing buttons on the Inactive Menu Items line.


    There is no way to make a placeholder page per se. The best you can do is to make an actual page, then use a 301 redirect in your theme to redirect that link back to wherever you want it to go to.

    That requires some good knowledge of PHP/WordPress theming to do though and isn’t something I can easily add into the plugin itself.

    [quote:10yq910z]P.S. Also noticed that the Search button can not be dragged to the end of the Inactive Menu Items line as it snaps back to the menu. One has to drag the Search button between two existing buttons on the Inactive Menu Items line.[/quote:10yq910z]
    Is that specific to the search button? In what browser?


    Thanks Ryan.  When I get a spare moment I will try to track down the configuration issue and get back to you.

    If you want to keep the widget part separate, I’ll try to create it as a "real" plugin with documentation, a page on, etc, so it’s simple for people to install.  As a placeholder until I get time to do that I’ve put up a blog post with the same link as I included in the post above; if you can link to this, rather than to the file in svn directly, I’ll be able to post updates when necessary. … nu-widget/



    [quote:1iqroa3p]Is that specific to the search button? In what browser?[/quote:1iqroa3p]

    Yes think its a problem with FFOx 3.5. Also noticed in that browser that the pulldowns do not always work on the "PixoPoint Menu Plugin". I have a habit when working on the site locally to use the browser’s back button and sometimes in FFox 3.5 I have to reload the page to get the pulldown to work. Did not realize that the pulldowns worked until I tried FFox 3.0.11 in XP SP3.

    Regarding the placeholder problem with the menu I might of found a fix using Page Lists Plus plugin in conjunction with your menu plugin.


    Just updated this plugin to Version 0.5.3 Beta as well as going back to FFox 3.0.11 rather than FFox 3.5. Now when I invoke the editor the menu color has switched from a red shade (which reflects the Arclite theme) to dark green 08770b!

    P.S. I had to use the Save/Open option to load in Red Dazzle theme which was what it was using yesterday.

    Is there no way to enter the hex values for the colors in the editor or do we have to use the color wheel? When I click in the color field the color wheel comes up. FFox 3.0.11.

    There seems to be a problem with the plugin and FFox 3.5 (3.5.1 will be released shortly). Without logging into a local version of the site in FFox 3.5, the menu showed smaller typeface for the menu. The pulldowns on the menu did not display properly, instead of having a white background and a single rectangle the pulldown was a rectangle with a fine vertical line near the left hand side of it. The background also was a dark grey color rather than white.


    pcguy – Changing browsers could not change the colour. I’m guessing something else has caused your problem.

    The colour wheel is not working how I want it to. It was supposed to be possible to edit the colours directly but the way the colour picker works hasn’t allowed for that. I’ll see if I can find a solution for you.

    I can’t see any problems in the browser in Firefox 3.5, it seems to be working as expected.
    EDIT: Sorry, now I can see it.
    EDIT 2: It seems to be a bug in FF3.5, but I have a workaround for it which I’ll upload within the next few hours.


    Andy – I’ve added a link to you in version 0.5.4 in the admin page under ‘credits’. It will be uploaded later tonight probably.


      Thanks for the quick update. However there still seems to be a problem with the plugin. In Fox 3.5.1 or 3.0.11 if one goes to the ADVANCED tab and clicks REORDER PAGES and then back to the HOME tab and clicks on the pulldown arrow for PAGES the pulldown does not work. One has to use the browser refresh button to refresh the page then the pulldown works.

    Regarding the PAGES pulldown. I am unclear regarding what some of the options there are for. Like Ascending Name does not seem to do anything when I select it, save the OPTIONS and then use the REORDER PAGES on the ADVANCED TAB. I wind up having to use drag and drop to change the order in the list. Also what is the ORDER at the very bottom of the PAGES pulldown suppose to be for? There is nothing below it.


    Thanks for the bug report!

    I’ll try to sort out a new pulldown system. The current one is clearly not working <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    The order at the bottom is simply an error, as is the problem with the ascending and descending options. I should be able to get those problems fixed for you shortly.

    Thank you very much for the bug reports! They’re incredibly helpful!



      Was just wondering what the last update to the menu generator fixes. The pulldown is not working wne switching between "tabs" in the application in FFox 3.5.1 and the REORDER PAGES does not seem to sort them by the order indicated on the PAGES pulldown field that has ASCENDING ID #, ASCENDING NAME etc (unless that field is for some other use).  Not totally clear on the use of each field on the PAGES pulldown tab.

    "URL" is beside the pulldown field that has ASCENDING ID #, DESCENDING ID #, ASCENDING NAME… are these items in the pulldown field used to select the sort order on the CLICK TO ORDER PAGES on the Advanced Tab? Below the ASCENDING ID # line is an empty input box that I do not know what it is for.


    Thanks for the new bug report <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    The ascending and descending order bugs will be fixed within the next week. I’m aware of that one.

    The pulldown bug has been fixed in my local installation, but it’s not ready for upload yet.

    There is also a bug in the CSS which causes the CSS files to fail validation when a font family which contains white space in the name is used. I’ll be fixing that for the next release too.


    Ack, no one wonder you guys were having trouble with the ascending and descending order bug, the code was completely trashed! There is no way it would have worked.

    I received an email pointing out a bug in it, so fixed that and figured the problem was sorted. It most definitely was not sorted. I’m working on it right now and things going smoothly should have a new version released later tonight which fixes all of the bugs reported so far.


    I’ve found another bug. When using "Show Child Posts" in the categories settings, it does not allow you to display the categories horizontally, only within a single dropdown menu.


    Version 0.5.8beta is being uploaded right now. It should be available shortly …

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