New Beta v1.3.3 from malcalevak

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    I haven’t tried it yet. I’m most of the way through building a new version though and that is one of the last bits I need to get working … and getting the enqueue script to work.


    Attached is version 1.4.5 alpha. It has the following new features:

    * Added support for themes developed specifically for the Multi-level Navigation Plugin including an option in the admin panel to allow users to change between their own themes CSS and the plugin CSS (for themes designed for the Multi-level Navigation Plugin.

    * Total rewrite of the admin page

    * Stripped out admin page code from the index.php file and moved to includes

    [b:3jesq3g9]malcalevak[/b:3jesq3g9] – I can’t get the enqueue scripts to work. Can you see what I’m doing wrong?

    [i:3jesq3g9]Note: this is an alpha release, it definitely has bugs and there is no point using it in a live environment. Anyone who sends me emails whining about it not working will be ignored (I’ve had this problem before). Bug reports are of course welcome.[/i:3jesq3g9]


    Actually, I’m wondering if I should just activate keyboard navigation by default. The following script looks quite suitable for the task …

    [code:1q1nnht6]<script type="text/javascript">
    function swap(){this.className="sfhover"}
    function swapBack(){this.className="trigger"}
    function swapfocus() {this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className="sfhover"}
    function swapblur() {this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.className="trigger"}
    function SetEvents(){
    if (document.getElementById){
    var LI = document.getElementsByTagName("li");
    var zLI= LI.length;
    for(var i=0;i<zLI;i++){
    window.onload = SetEvents;
    </script> [/code:1q1nnht6]

    And then malcalevak’s new jQuery script could be used whenever the animations are activated.


    Darn it, ignore my last post. That would require loading the keyboard navigation script along with the suckerfish script in the same file. They need to be seperate otherwise the suckerfish script will be loaded by all browsers which is a needless waste of bandwidth.


    I might add support for this too … … ide-delay/

    It adds a delay when hovering off of the menu. There’s an example of it here …


    Attached is version 1.4.6 Alpha which has some more admin page changes, a few bug fixes and addition of support for hover delay.

    [i:24pqrm6x]Note: This plugin is guaranteed not to work properly, so don’t use it in a live environment.[/i:24pqrm6x]


    And another malfunctioning plugin is attached … version 1.4.7 Alpha this time.

    It fixes a few glitches in the admin page menu.


    I kept getting e-mails saying there were new posts, and refreshing the page and not seeing them…I just noticed the 2 :-P

    I’ll take a look at the code now.


    Cool <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’m really keen to find out why I can’t get the enqueue script working.

    And I’ve attached [b:de12b3pn]another[/b:de12b3pn] new version (1.4.8 Alpha this time). This one puts all of the admin page CSS into an admin.css file like in your version.

    [i:de12b3pn]As with the last few versions, this one is also broken, so use it on a live site if you want to annoy your visitors[/i:de12b3pn]


    Wow…you certainly did rewrite a lot…

    The reason your scripts aren’t working is because you’ve added the action to wp_head, which is too late to add scripts. You want to add them to wp_print_scripts like I did in mine…

    You’ve changed so much, though, it might be beneficial if we can talk more directly. I’ll shoot you an e-mail.

    Oh yeah, and that delay you were talking about adding, isn’t that similar to what hoverIntent.js does?


    Attached is another new version, 1.4.9 Alpha this time ([i:3hnwoxhe]malfunctioning as per normal[/i:3hnwoxhe]).

    It features an uninstaller so that when you delete the plugin via the plugins page, it will automatically remove all database entries.

    This is a feature which I’ve been meaning to add for quite a long time but couldn’t figure out an easy way to do it until now.

    Thanks to Jacob Santos for his blog post which provided some tips … … l-methods/


    I believe you can condense down your "second menu" code into the original menu code and add support for "infinite" menus with some minor modifications to the base code. I believe the same could be done to the custom menu’s option as well, which in some ways I think would be more useful (though they’re both useful).

    The biggest complication, I believe, would be managing the options, especially if people choose to drop a menu/custom menu that isn’t the last one.


    [quote:13rk7mqq]Oh yeah, and that delay you were talking about adding, isn’t that similar to what hoverIntent.js does?[/quote:13rk7mqq]

    Yes, but it will work without jQuery.

    I don’t mind requiring jQuery for certain functionality if it is required, but if it isn’t then I’d rather avoid it due to the extra overhead and complications it causes.


    [quote:1u1q2mpv]I believe you can condense down your "second menu" code into the original menu code and add support for "infinite" menus with some minor modifications to the base code. I believe the same could be done to the custom menu’s option as well, which in some ways I think would be more useful (though they’re both useful)[/quote:1u1q2mpv]

    If you can figure it out, I’m keen to implement it.

    I still have a few more features that you added which I haven’t put into it yet either. I’ll hopefully get onto that tomorrow, or later today.


    I also need to add support for registering options as it looks like this will be required in WordPress 2.8. … ir_Options

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