New beta available for download

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  • #434

    For any of you who are interested in downloading a potentially buggy version of the Multi-level Navigation plugin, here’s a link to version 1.3 … …

    If your site breaks whilst using this version I claim no reponsibility :p You may find a few of your existing menu options get missed up during the upgrade, this is something I need to fix at some stage but it is easy to fix anyway, just re-choose what you want to appear in the menu.

    It adds a bunch new features, including:
    * New admin interface
    * Include as well as exclude menu options
    * Smaller/faster code base
    * Adds categories options to the blogroll
    * Default labels for ‘blogroll’ are now ‘links’
    * Plus a bunch of other things I’ve forgotten about

    Features which will be added before the plugin is released as the stable version:
    * Upgrade won’t break exiting menu options
    * Superfish script won’t clash with other jQuery plugins
    * A function will be added to detect if a theme is custom designed for this plugin.
    * Designed to work when wp-content folder name is changed
    * Uninstall option will be added to remove database entries created by the plugin
    * Plus some other things I’ve probably forgotten to add to this list.


    Just a note for anyone trying this version out, as he says "* Upgrade won’t break exiting menu options" is not a current "feature", meaning you’ll need to go back in and redo all your menu item settings as the names for almost all of them have changed. That would be the most notable "glitch", but it’s an easy fix, and he’s aware of it.

    I’ll also add that keyboard navigation and fade in’s do not work in IE6 (at least for me). The keyboard navigation actually tosses an error saying sfHover is undefined. Fade in’s I don’t get an error, but I don’t get any menu’s either.

    There’s also an erroneous n in the pages generation code.

    That last one is an easy fix, I’m gonna look into the sfHover issue, and if I find anything I’ll pass along word to Ryan.

    The admin interface changes are nice, it flows a bit better, with a few of my own tweaks (that I think Ryan plans to add one day) I’m liking it. Hopefully the glitches will get ironed out and a stable release can come out soon.

    I spoke too soon…the fade in appears broken in FF too (or at least FF3.1b2). It work if you only deal with one dropdown that has sub-menu’s in it, but if you move to another and come back he sub-menu’s break. Curious behavior.


    Thanks for the bug report malcalevak. The keyboard accessibility option should work in IE6, so I’m not sure what is going wrong there. The Superfish problem will be corrected when the Superfish/other jQuery plugin conflict is fixed.


    I’m intending to add functionality to the plugin so that it can detect when a theme has been designed to work with the plugin. That way you can just activate the plugin and it will automatically appear, no editing of theme would be required.

    I’m also considering adding the option to have more than one menu on a single site. Some of the magazine style themes (eg: Revolution) use two dropdown menus on the same page, so adding the ability to do that without having to setup a custom script each time would be nice.

    I will be releasing a new product some time in the next month or two which incorporates a new CSS generator into it. I’d like to have this new plugin version ready for stable release by then. Fingers crossed I can find enough to iron the bugs out and add the new features in time!

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