Need standard http links and to rearrange menu order

Forums Forums Menus Need standard http links and to rearrange menu order

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    looked into this plugin, but as of yet it hasnt got the functionality needed to make me install it.

    I think it would be great if you could add normal standard http links into the menu contents, and also rearrange the menu order i.e. arrange the links around as wanted, as of yet it does it alphabetically if using the links from the blogroll.

    Also it only allows you to use the blogroll as your link category, if you want to put external links up on the main menu bar. Which limits its use.

    Keep up the good work.



    also the ability to choose which ‘pages’ you want and dont want to be displayed in the menu would be great.



    Try the beta plugin. It allows you to exclude certain pages, with the custom code option you can arrange your blogroll however you please and there are a bunch of other options you may find useful.

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