Multi-level Navigation Plugin development (aka beta)

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  • #2792

    Tried  Ryan’s SuckerFish Dropdown Plugin, and worked perfectly.
    Tried Multi-level Navigation Plugin beta: the menues end-up at the back of my posts, anmd are hidden behind them.

    I am on Windows 2000, IE 6.
    I do not have the problem with Firefoe on the same computer.

    Is there a way to use Superfish with the extra features of Multi-level?


    Hi proinsias,

    The plugins should behave identically as far as the how the menu looks. I suspect you are using different CSS or maybe a different theme. If this isn’t the case then post back with a link to your problem in action and I’ll take a look.

    PS: Interesting to see you discovered the signature function of the forum. I thought most people would hunt it out and add their link when I was building it, but you are the first I’ve seen use it.


    I actually mis-represented what happened: what I described was the Ryan’s SuckerFish Dropdown Plugin way of working between Firefox (OK) and IE (hidden behind the posts)

    For Multi-level Navigation Plugin beta it works in Firefox, but fails altogether in IE (Windows 2000): it does not drop-down or even link to the links except to the home page (hard coded).

    WP is the latest.

    Here is an example of Multi-level Navigation Plugin beta 0.95 :

    I have asked other people to test IE from Windows XP: same issue.

    if you want me to put up the Ryan’s SuckerFish Dropdown Plugin, just ask and I can switch.


    It seems to be working fine in IE7.

    The problem is in IE6. For some reason the suckerfish_ie.js file is not being called. I don’t understand why as it is working fine for me.

    In the mean time, you can get it to work by adding the following to your themes header:
    [code:3q09hnd8]<script type=’text/javascript’ src=’’></script>[/code:3q09hnd8]


    Cool, that fixed the "not moving" issues.

    Now it seems that it goes behind the Posts themselves, as the old plugin was doing before…
    Is there a way to easily make sure this plugin goes in the top/front layer?

    &quot;&quot; wrote:
    Now it seems that it goes behind the Posts themselves, as the old plugin was doing before…
    Is there a way to easily make sure this plugin goes in the top/front layer?

    Which browsers are you having this problem in?


    Still IE6 :-)

    IE 7 and Firefox OK.
    IE 6 on my Windows 2000, or on other people’s, or on Win XP is the issue.

    Might by some "z-layer" issue…


    Try applying a higher z-index to your #suckerfishnav, #suckerfishnav ul. Then apply a lower one to the block containing the main content. I think that should do the trick.


    And of course that simple thing worked…

    Maybe worth adding
    z-index: 99

    to the default CSS, given that some Themes will do the same things to others than me :-)

    Thanksa lot: yours is the first menu I find which is using the Page names  AND their translations when using Multi-language plug-ins…


    New version (0.96) has been uploaded. The only major change is that the annoying "There is a new version of …" message doesn’t show up in your plugins page.

    EDIT: I’ve submitted this latest version to the WordPress plugins repository. If it’s accepted I’ll likely make this the new stable version shortly. I’ll need to add a couple of small bug fixes in to cope with the occasional server which throws a wobbly at the style.php file, but that’s about all.


    It seems I broke the original demo site, so I’ve created a new one: … n%20Plugin


    I seem to have the issue the previous user was having with the dropdowns showing up behind the posts (in both IE7 and FF3.0RC1) – I have a beta site I attempt to apply changes like this to before going live (though it does the same thing on the live site)

    I attempted the z-index: thing – I don’t completely understand this and it doesn’t seem to have worked.

    You can have a look at


    NM – figured it out


    Good to hear you got it working <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I may need to add a tutorial to help people with these z-index issues. They are becoming quite a frequent question here.


    This plugin was accepted into the official WordPress repository today. There is still a problem with some hosts not working well with the style.php file, so I’ll add a crude fix in this afternoon to allow people to easily correct that themselves directly from the admin panel. The fix will involve inputting the CSS code to the HTML rather than to an external PHP file. It’s not as ‘semantically clean’ as doing it externally, but it will work just the same. I’ll probably hide the option somewhere near the bottom of the ‘advanced options’ section of the admin panel.

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