Multi-level Navigation Plugin development (aka beta)

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    the links for your download and demo don’t work on this page….


    Darn it. Must have forgotten that during the transition.

    I’ve added the links back in now.


    A new version of the plugin is available.

    I replaced the original suckerfish Javascript file with one identical to that used on the HTML Dog site ([b:fd1mwtko]the[/b:fd1mwtko] reference for Suckerfish dropdown menus) and it still getting the same sfhover error in IE7, so I’ll have to do some more investigation to figure out what’s going on there.

    WordPress Dropdown Menu Version 2.2 Download[/url:fd1mwtko]


    And another update coz I broke the "Categories" menu item option.


    The sfhover bug which was reported quite some time ago has now been fixed.


    First of all, thank you very much for this plugin!

    I downloaded the latest version 2.2.5 demo, it is showing version 2.2.4.
    Also there is a little mistake on the WordPress Settings page of suckerfish:
    (and also in the Read me text File)

    The PHP script to insert is:
    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’) {suckerfish();} ?>
    and should be:
    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>
    … right?

    I used the custom menu to add a an empty menu for design purposes.
    As I installed version 2.2.5, this did not work anymore.
    but worked with custom menu 2.
    Solution: I replaced in ryans_suckerfish.php
    case "custom"
    case "custom 1"

    Note that it would be nice to have this option to choose an empty menu…
    I resolved this with:
    <li><img src="(the path of the file here)/pixel.gif" width="150" height="1" alt="" border="0"></li>
    I put this in the custom menu code.

    The pixel.gif method >> you can get here:
    and put the image where you wish to.

    Also I am working on a multilanguage blog with Language Switcher plugin.
    And it was possible to make an automatic translation of the menus on your page:
    I did this in version 2.0.1 of the plug-in by adding __(): for example ‘Pages’ >> __(‘Pages’) in the function suckerfish (line 65 to 71 in version 2.0.1).
    But there have being very much changes since this version…
    Now I must figure out how to do it…

    This would be an important feature, because I would have to edit this every time I do an update of the plugin.

    I am building my blog offline, so it is not possible to show you an example. I hope this was the right place in the forum to post this message!.



    [quote:39namlwe]The PHP script to insert is:
    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’) {suckerfish();} ?>
    and should be:
    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>
    … right?[/quote:39namlwe]

    Oops, thanks for that! I originally didn’t recommend people checked the function first. But I changed it yesterday and must have missed the bracket.

    I’ll be back to comment on the rest of your post later – am busy right now.

    &quot;proton&quot; wrote:
    I used the custom menu to add a an empty menu for design purposes.
    As I installed version 2.2.5, this did not work anymore.
    but worked with custom menu 2.

    That is odd.

    &quot;proton&quot; wrote:
    Solution: I replaced in ryans_suckerfish.php
    case "custom"
    case "custom 1"

    Ah, that makes sense then. Since there were two, I started labelling them Custom 1 and Custom 2 but must have missed a few chunks. Although by doing that it will mean that the original code people have entered won’t work in the new plugin … hmmm … I’d better deal with that.

    &quot;proton&quot; wrote:
    Note that it would be nice to have this option to choose an empty menu…
    I resolved this with:
    <li><img src="(the path of the file here)/pixel.gif" width="150" height="1" alt="" border="0"></li>
    I put this in the custom menu code.

    This should do the trick:
    [code:3q5epgxt]<li><a href=""></a></li>[/code:3q5epgxt]

    Or if you need something wider (for the top menu), you could add some &nbsp;’s in place, it’s not very pretty code, but neither are single pixel gif’s.

    [code:3q5epgxt]<li><a href="">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>[/code:3q5epgxt]

    &quot;proton&quot; wrote:
    Also I am working on a multilanguage blog with Language Switcher plugin.
    And it was possible to make an automatic translation of the menus on your page:
    I did this in version 2.0.1 of the plug-in by adding __(): for example ‘Pages’ >> __(‘Pages’) in the function suckerfish (line 65 to 71 in version 2.0.1).
    But there have being very much changes since this version…
    Now I must figure out how to do it…

    Thank you! I didn’t know how to do translations, so I left a message on the forums but no one answered. So I sorted a better solution instead. If you go into the advanced options, you can edit the titles of those menu items to anything you want. I prefer this solution as even English language websites still want/need to change the titles some times – in particular people often prefer ‘blogroll’ to appear as ‘links’.

    &quot;proton&quot; wrote:
    I am building my blog offline, so it is not possible to show you an example. I hope this was the right place in the forum to post this message!.

    This spot will do. Feel free to open new topics for specific questions though. It makes it easier for others to find answers when they’re separated into new topics.

    Thanks for your thorough post <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> Intelligent feedback like this is invaluable to me in developing the plugin. I’ll probably have uses for that language translation tip in other plugins, although I don’t think it will be useful for this one since I’ve got that covered by the title editing tool.


    A new beta plugin is now available … …

    This version is not an upgrade, but an entirely new plugin. I wasn’t planning to release this just yet, but I found an annoying bug in the existing plugin which is fixed in this new one.

    The plugin name and folder name has changed. The old name ‘Ryans Suckerfish Dropdown Menu’ was a relic from when I first released it on this blog. However the term ‘dropdown’ is ambiguous as the plugin can be used for a whole lot more than that, and a new version of the CSS generator I’m working on at the moment does vertical flyouts, horizontal slider menus etc.

    The new name is ‘Multi-level Navigation Plugin’.

    The version number has changed to 0.95, however for some reason the admin panel keeps reporting a new 1.6.5 version being available. I have no idea what is doing this, but I’m working on it at the moment – in the mean time you will need to ignore it.

    You will need to deactivate the old ‘Ryans Suckerfish Dropdown Menu’ plugin before activating the new one as they will clash with each other.


    Ryan, many thanks for the plugin – I’m using the latest version of your plugin i.e. ‘Multi-level Navigation Plugin’0.95 and I’m having problems with both Firefox and IE6. In Firefox and IE6 the menu headings appear okay, but there is a problem with the dropdowns. I’ve tried altering the menu options, but the same thing happens however I configure the menus. In Firefox only the first three menu dropdowns work, while in IE6 none of the dropdowns work. Any suggestions to solve the problem would be greatly appreciated. 



    Hi David,
    This is unlikely to be a problem with the plugin. It sounds like a CSS issue, probably caused by a clash with your theme.

    I can’t help without seeing an example of the problem though, so if you post an example here I’ll see if I can find any obvious problems.


    I was wondering if there is an easy way to make the "categories" top navigation menu (when categories dropdown is used) into a clickable link. I’d like to send visitors to a categories overview from this button. I can use a custom menu, insert my categories by hand and so on, but I’m trying to make this site as dummy proof as possible.


    Hi Evan,
    Yes you can do that, but you would need some custom code to insert into the theme for that. I offer this as a service with the "Premium Membership[/url:s3udn4k0]" option.

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