Mult-level Navigation plugin Release Candidate

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  • #4495

    Version 1.5.12 now attached.

    It adds a maintenance mode. The menu can still be seen, but only if ?mln=on is appended to the URL. ie: would work (if I had the plugin installed here).

    Hopefully this will be useful for those who keep asking questions here about how to integrate the menu but can’t show a link as they only have a live site to work with and don’t want to leave a broken site up just so that I can see it. They can activate the plugin, activate maintenance mode and we can see by appending the extra bit to the URL.

    I actually added this feature to allow users to turn it on and off in the [iurl=]PixoPoint Template Generator[/iurl] but then realised it was potentially useful for this purpose too.

    When ?mln=on is used, the menu will stay on until the session is killed (usually when you close the browser). It can be turned off by adding ?mln=off.


    Version 1.5.15 is now attached.

    This version features some code streamlining and improvements to the maintenance mode.

    Maintenance mode can now be used to replace the standard CSS with a test.css file. This will help me check if the menu isn’t displaying correctly due to the user modifying the CSS. Usually I need to download the page and change the CSS the old fashioned way which can be a little time consuming.

    It also allows for turning the keyboard accessibility on and off and to disable or use inline CSS.

    These changes are entirely for my own benefit. They will simply make it easier for me to help fix problems with theme integration and for bug checking.

    I tested it in IE6 with the Superfish running and it seems to be working fine.


    Oops, that version had a major bug. Version 1.5.16 is now attached which fixes it.


    Anyone tried version 1.5.16 yet? If you have and it is working fine I might slap an RC label on it, leave it up for a week and barring any major bugs turning up, upload it to the plugins repository as the new stable version.


    Works fine for me – I have it running <a href="">here</a&gt;. That peculiar conditional "double highlight" thingie aside, obviously.


    Thanks <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> I’ll change the label to RC now then as I’m pretty sure it’s ready to go.

    The bug found has present for a long time, you are just the first to notice it. I’ll probably fix that in the next week, maybe before the official release, but possibly not.


    Here’s a demo for anyone who is interested …

    I have the plugin set to maintenance mode. Adding ?mln=on activates it so you can see it in the main menu above. This site isn’t really big enough to need the menu hence it isn’t there by default.


    Version 1.6RC1 is now released. This is a release candidate, so assuming no one finds any bugs within the next week this will become the new official version.

    The only change from 1.5.16 beta is the removal of a few options in maintenance mode. I removed them for some minor security purposes. Theoretically if you had your menu in maintenance mode, others could have disabled your CSS, which in itself is not a huge problem as you would just need to reenable it, but I figured it was a good idea to take it out anyway just in case it annoyed some people. They weren’t likely to be all that useful anyway.


    Well that didn’t last long. RC2 is now released. Fixes a bug in the Superfish script.


    I’ve installed and confiuged v1.6RC2.  I see where it provides the line of code to put into your theme where you want the menu to display, however I would like to put it in the right sidebar of my wordpress blog.  I’m using WP 2.7 and the sidebar has active widgets.

    How can I embed the <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> line of code into my sidebar.  If I put the code into the sidebar.php it’s not used because my theme is widgetized, so it bypasses the default statements in the sidebar.php.

    I tried dropping a text widget into my sidebar and putting that php line of code inside there, but that didn’t work either.


    You need to place it outside of the widget zone in your sidebar.

    I also have a widget for the menu available for our premium members. To be honest I can’t remember where it is. If you need it urgently then let me know and I’ll go hunting for it.

    However I’m flat out busy right now tryin to move hosts (the one we’re currently has serious issues right now which are effecting So I’ll hold off on looking in case you are happy to insert it outside of your widgetized area.

    Here is an example [b:2kks5bsx]inside[/b:2kks5bsx] the widgetized area:
    [code:2kks5bsx] <?php if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
    <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    Here is an example [b:2kks5bsx]outside[/b:2kks5bsx] the widgetized area:
    [code:2kks5bsx] <?php
    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
    if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar() ) : ?>
    <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>


    Since there haven’t been any more bug reports and plenty of emails saying it is working better than the original, I’ll be uploading this to the WordPress plugins repository shortly … writing blog post about it right now and will upload once it’s written.


    This version is now the official version. Topic will shortly be unstickied and locked since this is no longer a test version.

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