Mouseout delay doesn’t work

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    I’ve played with the mouseout delay in the settings, but it doesn’t matter what I change it to, the moment I move outside the menu it disappears. The users have been complaining about it that it’s too sensitive to use.  I found this blog post on using JS to fix it, but I’m not sure how to implement it into the multi-level navigation plugin. Any help? … ide-delay/


    Have you activated the ‘Superfish’ option? If it is not on then the mouseout delay won’t change anything.

    Thanks for the link, I’ve added it to my bookmarks. I might look at implementing that into a future release of the plugin. The code for that is a lot lighter than the Superfish script as it doesn’t require jQuery to work, so it would be a good option for those who just want a simple Suckerfish menu without the snazzy animation effects.


    Yeah I did try it with superfish. It will delay the mousein (like there is a delay to get the menus to drop down) but no matter what I put the mouse out, the drop down menu will disappear the moment the mouse is off of it.
    That would be really cool if you could implement it. It would be nice for the menu to stay until either the user clicks away or drops a different section of the menu.


    Weird, I thought the mouseout delay could also be changed. I’ll definitely be looking at this during the current plugin overhaul which is going on behind the scenes at the moment.


    If I move it above <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    ""&gt; it works which does me no good….


    Rob Perry – what did you move above your DOCTYPE?


    hi, i’m not seeing any mouseout delay either, even with suckerfish turned on. not seeing any fade either.


    @johnywhy – I dunno which version of the plugin your using, but I know the version with "superfish" (not suckfish) currently comes with a built in 800ms delay.

    Try the latest beta I posted and enable animations, of course since it’s still a beta something else might go wrong.


    I can’t help unless someone provides a link showing the problem.

    At any rate, there should be a new beta released in the next few days which should definitely work.


    I am having this same problem on all browsers. Mouseover delay works, Mouseout does not. Using most recent, current version of plugin. Have not changed any code. Have you figured out the issue?

    If you need it, I could provide a link privately, as the site is currently in maintenance mode.

    Thank you!


    I doubt you are experiencing this problem. This is an ancient topic and this bug would have been fixed well over a year ago now.

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