Modifing Search Results So That It Does Not Include Date, Categories, etc

Forums Forums Menus Modifing Search Results So That It Does Not Include Date, Categories, etc

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  • #1526

    When someone does a search on my site,[/url:17b5w6e5%5D it displays the correct search results, however it also displays a bar below each result with the following (example):
    June 22nd, 2010 | Category: uncategorized | Comments are closed | Edit this post

    I don’t want this to show up, I just want the search results.  Is there a way to removed this?

    I have tried to remove the following from admin_page.php:

    [code:17b5w6e5]add_option(‘suckerfish_menucontents’, ‘home=1|pages=2|search=4|XXX=5|categories=3|recentcomments=6|recentposts=7|archives=8|ZZZ=5|links=9|customcode1=10|customcode2=11|customcode3=12|customcode4=13|’); // NEEDS MORE OPTIONS ADDED TO IT

    however this had no effect on the search results

    Any ideas???

    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


    I am confused.

    Does this relate to the PixoPoint Menu plugin in some way? It sounds like you are trying to modify the search functionality of your theme, but that wouldn’t have anything to do with the plugin if that were the case.

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