Menus disappearing in Windows but not on Mac???

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    Hi.  I’m using the PixoPoint Multi-level Navigation Plugin.  This is my website:  I had the problem with the drop downs disappearing behind the header, but was able to fix it by adding the z/index CSS that is saw in one of these forums.  Here’s my problem.  Everything works fine on my mac, in both Safari and FIrefox.  But I had a co-worker check it on his PC, in both IE and Firefox, and on the PC the menus still go behind the flash animation that is beneath the header.  I can’t even see the problem from my mac.  So, the menus work on mac but not on the PC.  Any idea why?  What should I do?  Please help.  Thanks!


    I spent a month off and on building my own drop-down menus, mostly working on the CSS.  It worked perfectly…..but only in IE8!

    From that I learned that making all browser friendly menus is a tough business that requires the time to test on all conceivable browsers.  Fortunately, there are now tools and web sites that help you do that, but it still takes a whole lot of time.

    I haven’t tried the new beta product (Pixopoint Menu Plug-in) yet, but when using the PixoPoint Multi-level Navigation Plugin, I realized that I had to stick with the Suckerfish multi-level CSS Generator at  And to make only the most minor modifications (e.g. – width specifications) to the resulting CSS.


    @subtel – that’s a problem with the implmentation of Flash. For whatever reason it lays the content over the top of EVERYTHING unless you specify otherwise.

    Here’s something I posted elsewhere about the issue:
    You need to add this between your OBJECT tags:
    [code:r557qawc]<param name="wmode" value="transparent">[/code:r557qawc]

    And this in an EMBED tag

    So your code should look something like this:
      <param value="blabla.swf" / >
      <param name="wmode" value="transparent" / >
      <embed src="transparency.swf" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">


    I haven’t actually checked your site, but since you mentioned Flash I’m 99.99999% certain that is the problem you are experiencing.

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