Menu not dropping down

Forums Forums Menus Menu not dropping down

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  • #408

    Things to let me know in your post:

        * Where is your CSS?
    CSS code was pasted into the enter your CSS here box.  I also tried selecting the use inline css box to see if it made any difference, no luck. Unchecked that option now.
        * What modifications have you made to the CSS?
    Changed colors using your CSS generator
        * What browsers are you having problems with?
        * What is the URL for your site?

    Theme : Flexibility
    Dropdown should occur on the about menu.

    Thanks for any assistance.


    I have the same problem and have read through the forum but could not fix my browser issue.  I sent in payment for Premium membership 3 days ago and sent a message.  Reposting here:

    What is your URL:

    Where is your CSS?
    style.css under VibrantCMS theme folder

    What modifications have you made to CSS ?
    None.  Used your CSS generator.

    IE7 drop down menu does not work.  Works fine in FF and IE6.

    Thank you very much for your help!


    Hi grd_eggs,
    I keep replying to your emails, but they don’t seem to be reaching you. Perhaps they are going into your spam box? You initially sent an email to the address which the forum was sending messages from. This isn’t actually my email address, I set the forum to send email from that address but didn’t realise that people would reply to them. However I did see the email about 12 hours after you sent it (I occasionally check that address) and replied both from that address and my regular one. If you need to contact me by email use the contact form … The forum is now set to send messages from [b:23muwrmp]my[/b:23muwrmp] email address so this won’t be a problem anymore.

    Below are the emails I sent:
    [quote:23muwrmp]> Hi,
    > I just received your email now. It seems our forum is set with an email
    > address of, that is an error. Luckilly I happened
    > to check that account a few mins ago and saw your message come through. My
    > regular email address is
    > I’ll reply to your question tomorrow as I’ve run out of time tonight (it’s
    > 10pm here).

    I did end up finding some time to take a look this evening.

    It seems the CSS you are using has some rather large errors in it. In
    particular it is very hard to navigate when using flyout menus. Perhaps
    you modified it after you copy and pasted it from the CSS generator? Was
    there something you needed to change that you couldn’t modify with the

    I can’t fix your problem as I’m not entirely sure what you want the menu
    to look like. If you are trying to make a change that can’t be done in the
    CSS generator, then it may be easier to provide me with the closest you
    can get it with the CSS generator, then let me know what the extra
    funtionality that you require is, then I can let you know how to modify
    the code accordingly.


    The information you have posted above does answer my question though. You want it to look how it does in FF and IE6. So I’ll get to work on that shortly and let you know when it’s done.


    Ryan, thanks! I got your email address mixed up. Posting here is fine…Yes it works fine in FF, just trying to replicate that for IE7.


    grd_eggs – I tested your site in IE7 running XP SP3 and can’t find any problems. The menu looks and behaves identical to how it does in FF3 in Vista.

    What specifically is wrong with it?


    It also appears differently in IE6 and FF3. The gap you added to the left hand side of the dropdown appears in both IE6, IE7 and FF3, but there is no gap on the righthand side in FF3 and IE7 whereas there is one in IE6.


    just realized I didn’t put the full url in for my site
    should be


    Good timing then, because I am about to take a look <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    getsmartt – your menu wasn’t working in FF3 either.

    The following code fixes it in FF3:
    [code:dtd6rnxi]#suckerfishnav ul {z-index:1000}[/code:dtd6rnxi]

    I didn’t find a simple fix for IE7 though.

    You should be able to fix it by modifying one (or more) of the following in your CSS (removing them cured the problem):



    I double checked IE7 on 2 machines (Vista and XP SP2) both menus do not drop down ?  I see it working well on both machines in FF…
    Please try to help again ?


    Interesting. I’ll go have another look.


    Weird, it’s not working anymore. At least that’s a hint that it is probably a browser bug I’m trying to find.

    I’ll get to work and find a solution for you – hopefully shortly.


    I’ve narrowed the problem down to something in your themes CSS, I haven’t figure out exactly what yet but I’ll hopefully have a fix shortly.


    You had the following set in your reset.css file:
    [code:1omnmjyi]li {background: transparent}[/code:1omnmjyi]

    To correct for that, you can add the following to your CSS:
    [code:1omnmjyi]#suckerfishnav li {background:none}[/code:1omnmjyi]

    I haven’t checked to see how this behaves in other browsers yet. I’ll post back in a few mins with results.


    Ignore the fix above ^. It doesn’t quite work, I need to iron out some bugs first – back shortly.

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