menu doesn’t work in ie6

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    i installed the new beta version of your plugin for my new site.
    I took the green dazzle design without any modifications, but the subpages don’t work in ie6?
    any suggestions?

    kind regards,


    Hmmm, weird. I thought the Superfish script would trigger the dropdowns in IE6. I haven’t actually tested it in IE6, I just assumed it would work. I’ll check this over before the next version of it is released.


    Just piping in to say I’m not seeing dropdown items in IE6, either. Works great in IE7 and FF2 and FF3 – I don’t have Opera, so I haven’t checked in that browser, yet. (Just in case: menu is used <a href="">here</a&gt;.)


    Hmmm, when I tested it it worked fine. But now I’m wondering if I was using a theme which had a suckerfish script built into it. Going to check it out now.


    Darn it! You were both correct and I was wrong. The plugin does not work in IE6 when any of the jQuery options are used.

    If I can’t fix the Superfish script (the jQuery bit), I’ll just shove a regular suckerfish script in there to compensate.


    A new version is uploaded which corrects this. I just need to change sfHover to sfhover (no capitilisation) in the superfish.js file.

    I’ve added links to you both in the credits section. They’ll appear in the WordPress plugins repository when it is released.


    Cool! RC2 installed and shows correctly in IE6. Don’t know whether this is a separate issue, but now that it works I see that in IE6 an item that is hovered over (either as at top-level or a sub-menu item) doesn’t highlight. However, the highlight of the "selected" or "active" item does show correctly (again, just in case: I’m solely talking about IE6, with a vanilla RC2). This hover issue isn’t too much of a problem, though… More of an aesthetics thingie, as one presumably knows what he/she is hovering over at the time.

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