making drop downs wider

Forums Forums Menus making drop downs wider

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  • #1364

    Is there a way to make the drop down wider so if I have a long page title it doesn’t go to 3 or 4 lines? I have tried to change a few settings in the edit area of the plug in but I am not obviously changing the correct setting. Also, when I click on a tab in the nav bar a dim black dashed line around the tab shows up but it isn’t centered on the tab? How can I correct this? Here is the site: Thank you very much


    This is the Templates and themes forum, not the menu forum. I’ll move this topic over there where you are more likely to receive help.


    Hi Ryam,

    Thanks for a great plug in. Can you answer this question regarding making the drop downs wider?


    There is an option in the CSS generator for changing the dropdown width …


    Is that only for premium paid subscribers or the free drop down?


    It appears that I need to pay for premium support to widen my drop downs as that is all I want to do. How much is the fee to do this? Here is my site:


    Sorry, the text in the CSS generator page is horridly out of date.

    You don’t need premium support, you only need to upgrade to Premium Features:

    The cost is US$9.99/week.


    Is this a yearly (52 week) deal or a 1 time fee for $10? Please explain. Thank you.


    OK, I have signed up for a week to try this. When do I get notified of when I have access to the advanced feature to see if I like it?


    You should immediately have access, there should be no delay at all.

    If for some reason it isn’t working, try emailing me as I’ll likely reply faster than if you post here in the forum. I don’t generally provide free support via email, but I don’t mind for situations like this if you are having difficulties getting our paid products to work. Since there’s been a delay in you getting it working, I’ll bump your subscription forward by a week.

    EDIT: Your subscription has been extended by another week free of charge.



    OK, I got the wider drop down now but how do I change the red in the top nav bar when I am on a child page? I see no where to change that color? I understand that it is red to show a user on my site that they are on a child page and the red helps define which tab foom the nav bar they are on but I’d rather change the red to the hover color? Please help? Check site here: … een-sheet/. Thanks.


    Never mind. I have figured it out.


    Good to hear you found your solution <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    So, to clarify, I need to sign up for premium support in perpetuity to make one CSS change to the submenu?


    No. But for help with CSS beyond basic bug fixing you would need to sign up for Premium Support. Once you have the CSS fixed, you can use it as long as you want, it’s yours, not ours.

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