Lost the "Home" button on upgrade

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    Hi – I upgraded to the latest version (through the auto update in WordPress) and for some reason the Home button disappeared. I made sure it is still in the settings – but it won’t appear. Any suggestions?

    Site is:  http://www.safetysolutionsracing.com/wordpress


    Sounds like a possible bug. Sorry about it if that is indeed the caase.

    What menu position do you have set for ‘home’? If you have it in the first position it should work fine.

    Do you know which version you were updating from?

    If you need to get this fixed ASAP. What you could do, is to go to your plugins page, and delete it using the WP admin panel. By ‘delete’ I don’t mean ‘deactivate’ but actually delete it physically from the server. By doing that in the WP plugins page it runs a script called uninstall.php which will remove all of your settings. Then you can reinstall the plugin, set everything back up and it should work as new.

    But if you let me know which menu position is the problem then I may be able to fix it with a new release. I suspect there is just a minor coding error in their goofing it up. And if I can’t figure out the problem, I’ll write a script for you which will remove the existing setting for that menu item and reset it as ‘home’.


    Hi Ryan,

    I do have "home" in the first position. The site is currently live, so I’m wondering how long it would take to remove and reinstall the plugin…if that is the way to go.

    I can’t remember which version I was originally using, but I downloaded it in November, if that helps things any.

    Just let me know if you think it may be a bug and you can fix it – if not I will uninstall sometime after hours so maybe we won’t have much downtime.



    It does look like a bug, or at least a bug which only happens on upgrading from a certain version. If you can pinpoint which version that would be REALLY handy for me.

    Another quick fix solution would be to move all of the menu items over a notch, so ‘Home’ would be in menu item #2 and whatever was in menu item #2 would be in #3 etc.

    In the mean time I’ll write up a quick and dirty script which will kill the existing database entry and replace it with the correct option. I’ll post back here with the script when it’s done.


    I’ve decided to simply release a new version (I was going to do that anyway) which includes a script for removing the first menu item entirely. When you reload the plugins admin page, the home page will be back where you want it. If nothing is in the menu item #1 spot, then just reload the page and it should appear.

    The script can be found in the plugins folder, it is called bugstomp_home.php. When logged in as an admin, navigate to http://domain.com/wp-content/plugins/mu … p_home.php (using your own sites’ URL of course!).

    The new version should be available at the following URL in a few minutes time … http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/m … plugin.zip


    I did the quick fix, moving the items over one notch, and that worked. I did an automatic upgrade to version 1.9.5 through WordPress, but that did not fix the problem. I’ll play around with it some more this weekend so I can give you some feedback.



    Did you run the script I told you to run?

    http://domain.com/wp-content/plugins/mu … p_home.php

    Just upgrading won’t fix it. You need to run that script (while logged in) to get rid of the first menu item option from your database. If I didn’t do that way, EVERY installation would lose it’s first menu item and I don’t think I would be very popular for doing that <img decoding=” title=”Tongue” />


    I guess it worked, because I see nothing in the box? The first box has the word None.

    I switched the items back and it seems to be working now. Thanks so much!


    Yep, the script blanked out the first menu item to nothing. I considered making it home, but canned that idea in case someone needed to use the script who didn’t have ‘home’ in their first menu item.


    I had the same problem
    if it helps the version i upgraded from (manually) was Version: 0.97

    great plugin, thanks


    Thanks Peter. That is useful to know and I’ll try to work out what is causing this for the next update.

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