Login/Logout link

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  • #928

    Is there any way of including a Login/Logout link in the menu?


    You could do it with the custom code box. But that only allows HTML, so it wouldn’t be able to display something different depending on whether the user was logged in or not.

    It can be done with some custom scripting in your theme in place of the pixopoint_menu() function, but the plugin can’t do it by default. I’d be happy to do a customisation for you as part of our [iurl=https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/premium_support/]Premium Support [/iurl] deal but I can’t afford to spend that much time on it for free sorry.


    [code:1r2gf2vt]<?php if (is_user_logged_in()) { ?> <li><a href="profile"><span>Profile</span></a></li>
    <?php } else { ?> <li><a href="sign-up"><span>Register</span></a></li> <?php } ?>[/code:1r2gf2vt]

    This is how I do something similar. It

    [size=1:1r2gf2vt]EDIT by Ryan: Added < code> tags.[/color[/size:1r2gf2vt]


    Thanks moutonnoir <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    That should do the trick when used with the menus wrapper tags.


    <h5> <div id="logout">
    <?php if (is_user_logged_in()) { ?>  <a href="<?php echo wp_logout_url( get_bloginfo(‘url’) ); ?>" title="Logout">Logout</a>
    <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url( $redirect ); ?>" title="Login">Login</a>  <?php } ?>


    is my loginlogout button. It is more modular.

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