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    Don’t worry about how long it takes to get back to me.

    If you post a link to an example of your implementation of it, I’m happy to take a look for you. When I tested it, I didn’t notice any errors, but I also didn’t look very hard so it is quite possible I made a mistake.


    Okay well the good news is you didn’t make a mistake. I’m just tinkering on a local host til I get it good enough to go live because I don’t have the time to set up another implementation. Anyway the grey line was just a border in the css created by the generator. I’m pretty much down to cosmetic issues now so I’ll just plug away til my friend with good taste and css skills has time to look at it. Meanwhile I did notice that your fix works with Firefox 2 but not IE7. Any ideas? Cheers.


    Once you have a link I’ll take another look. I didn’t save the mock up I did last time.

    I’m working on a new CSS generator which doesn’t create that grey border unless you ask it to. I’m not even sure why I put it there originally. It seems a bit pointless really.


    This probably doesn’t change any of the fixes Ryan has provided you, but I just wanted to make sure you’re aware of K2’s support for additional "hooks".

    I use K2 on my site, and use a hook to place the Multi-level menu (as well as a favicon), this let’s me upgrade K2 without needing to remember where I put the code. It may or may not effect how things display, and it obviously doesn’t have a hook at every single possible location, but I know it has one at like the top and bottom of the header. I think I actually found the before_content hook to work best for a drop down (you can see how it displays on my site if you want http://www.transientmonkey.com).

    If that makes no sense, but you’re still interested I can elaborate further – or I can just shut up <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Sounds interesting. I didn’t realise K2 had hooks like that. I might download a copy some time and see how they do it.


    I recall hearing about those hooks before… I have a feeling they are new in K2 release 6??? I’m only using release 4 so I think I would have to upgrade first. I didn’t do the original installation so that would involve a bit of work checking all the files for modifications. Transient Monkey looks great and has just the implementation in terms of function that I’m looking for so gives me hope that one day soon I will have it up and running. It just takes time when you only have about five minutes per week to tinker. Doh! There it is gone again.


    I unfortunately have no clue when the hooks were added to K2, I actually though they’d always been there.
    I want to say upgrading would be pretty easy, unless you’ve modified your base K2 installation. Just upload all the files to your K2 directory.
    Of course, I could be wrong…always be sure to back up your site completely before you try anything.
    Thanks for the props on my site, I’m hoping some of the changes I’ve put into the plugin can get into the official release, but it’s all up to Ryan.
    On a side note, I’m thinking of trying out the wordpress 2.7 beta tonight, to see if the plugin is compatible. Hate to see all Ryan’s hard work (and now quite a bit of my own) go to waste. I’ll also likely see if K2 is compatible.


    The plugin is not affected by WordPress 2.7. It doesn’t do anything related to the latest changes. I usually check these things out well in advance of the official release to make sure there aren’t any problems.

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