K2 Theme

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    Hey Ryan,

    very nice plugin you’ve set up here, however I’m having a bit of trouble with it.

    I’ve had the same problem Jonathan had with the subpages list overlaying the first-level menu, though not with all themes.

    Right now, I’m trying to customize the k2 theme (which does not have this overlaying problem), but I’m faced with another one : while the drop-down menu displays correctly, it vanishes as soon as I leave the page link. I can sometimes manage to “catchâ€


    I think the problems you are facing are probably caused by you applying two UL’s to the same list. This creates invalid code and I’m assuming the first UL is apply styling as well which will be goofing up the plugin.

    At the moment you have this:
    [code:7ovs5bfv]<ul class="menu"><?php suckerfish(); ?></ul>[/code:7ovs5bfv]

    But all you need is this:
    [code:7ovs5bfv]<?php suckerfish(); ?>[/code:7ovs5bfv]

    Hopefully that does the trick <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    You hit the nail on the head! Thanks a lot, Ryan.

    I really need to get seriously into CSS some time <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Just a quick note : you left “version: 1.1.2″ in the php file of version 1.1.4, so it still appears as 1.1.2 in the WordPress plugins page.


    Thanks Dan. The next version will say 1.1.x as I’m likely to forget to add this again due to all the updates I’ve been doing lately.


    Gah, I lost it again! Every time I insert any kind of vertical offset above the suckerfish nav bar, the dropdown menus are goofed.

    It’s like the “hoverâ€


    How are you inserting the “vertical offsetâ€


    Nope, I made sure that my changes weren’t made to a parent of the suckerfish styles (even tried adding 100px to the main title).

    On the other hand, I played a bit with the suckerfish css, and I probably messed something there.

    For the time being, I’ll build the site w/o suckerfish, and I might come back to this part later <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    If you post a link to your problem site here I may be able to help.


    Did this ever get resolved? I’ve had similar problems trying to implement various dropdown menu solutions and they all seem to go flaky with K2. I can’t post a link at present because I’m just trying to get this working in a local environment before going live.


    From memory, K2 does some weird coding things to the wrapper tags which will upset most ‘good’ dropdown menus.

    I’m sure it can be fixed though. Once you have a live example up and running, feel free to post a link and I’ll figure out a way to get the menu up and running.

    Actually … if you post [b:35haegi5]any[/b:35haegi5] example of a K2 theme here I can figure it out from that too. I just need to see the HTML and am too lazy to go googling for it right now.

    Since it’s such a popular building block theme I’m happy to post some exact instructions on how to fix it here.


    Okay you can see our current K2 implementation (no drop-down menus) at http://www.cccoglioni.com. I try to implement suckerfish (or whatever) by replacing the  menu ul in header.php with the suckerfish call (or whatever). Generally this plonks the dropdown in the middle of the header (which I’m sure I can fix) but the dropdowns only seem to be accessible if they don’t drop below the extent of the header. Cheers.


    I’ll sort out a fix for you tonight. If I don’t reply it is because I have forgotten, so feel free to bug me about it.


    I’ve got the menu working in K2:

    Remove the original menu code and replace it with the plugin script:
    [size=1:3bm0o4s5](the original menu code probably looks something like the following in the theme)[/size:3bm0o4s5]
    [code:3bm0o4s5]<ul id="menu"><?php wp_list_pages(); ?></ul>[/code:3bm0o4s5]

    Then add the following to the new menus CSS:
    [code:3bm0o4s5]#suckerfishnav {position:absolute;bottom:0}
    #suckerfishnav, #suckerfishnav ul {z-index:1000}[/code:3bm0o4s5]

    The menu should then work with no problems. If you have any troubles or it doesn’t work in a specific browser (I only tested on Firefox 3) then let me know and I’ll take another look


    Hi Ryan thanks for the effort and the quick reply. Sorry to not get back to you sooner, but I only get time to look at this every so often. It seems to work correctly on my local installation now which is great. There are still some cosmetic issues but I will play around a bit before I bug you. Oh ok, the main one is that there is a grey line across the top of the menu bar, but having colored the bar the same as the header background I would like it to appear seemless.

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