Just installed the slider and have ff and ie problems

Forums Forums Menus Just installed the slider and have ff and ie problems

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    in FF the top part of the header before the nav menu is gone.
    [color=red:nmfs0kd8]Fixed this it is just getting the ie.js in the bloody right place.  LOL[/color:nmfs0kd8]

    in ie there is no hoover changes.

    I am using ie-6  so the ie.js should correct what is going on…???

    I think I found some place (lost it) another ie.js update fix…

    Any assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated.

    I do not have sub links on yet just trying to get the top level to work correctly.

    Here is the link..  http://consignmentpal.com/Resale-and-Co … -Directory


    It looks you have some sort other script which is making a total mess of the Multi-level Navigation plugins HTML output:

    [code:131m8rsl]<!– Multi-level Navigational Plugin by PixoPoint Web Development ... http://pixopoint.com/multi-level-navigation/ –>
    <!–[if lte IE 6]>
    <script type=�text/javascript� src=�http://consignmentpal.com/template/Acqua/Suckerfish_Nav_menu/suckerfish_ie.js�></script>


    Exactly what do you mean?  The code you quoted is the ie.js that is in the menu generator that says to include it in our websites…  The only other place I have a java call is at the top. just before the body tag.


    That is definitely not the code quoted in the menu generator; also, you don’t need to add the code when using the plugin as it is added for you automatically. The code you have at the moment has all sorts of strange characters in it. It looks like it has been through a word processor or similar and had a bunch of junk added to it. Your HTML looks pretty weird too as some of the DIV tags have been stripped out and new ones added.

    Whatever is going on is very weird and has nothing to do with our plugin or CSS generator.


    Ryan,  so sorry for being soooooo hard on ya in this and the other post….

    I am such a dits….  I did not snap to the ?’s or foregin charecters in that bloody piece of script.  It is fixed now and works a treat..

    I really do thank you for making such a great nav menu that actually works in IE….

    My hats off to you and your great script writing..

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