jQuery script problem

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  • #606

    Hi Team,

    First of all regards for creating such a great plug-in of wordpress…

    Currently I have plan to install dropdown menu on my site (http://www.forangelsonly.org). But when i just activate your plug-in "Multi-level Menus" sliding bar function on site stop working .  I try to point out the problem but to my best knowledge this is something related to jQuery script. My wordpress theme works on jQuery script as suppose your plug also.

    I am just a bigneer in PHP and CSS. but expecting your support for the above problem .

    Thanks & Regards,

    Deepak Jain


    Hi all
    Want to add some more comments
    I try to install Suckerfish WordPress Plugin which got activated without any problem. But the dropdown menu hide behind the contented of the post. if any one can help me to solve any one of this issues will help me a lot…

    Waiting for helping hands…



    Your site doesn’t seem to have plugin installed so not much I can do to help. If you don’t want to activate it due to it messing up your site, then just turn on maintenance mode in the settings page and let me know.


    Hi Ryan,

    Thanks for Response…
    As per your guide line now i have turn on maintenance mode in the setting page.
    No messing up now..<img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> and plugin is active..


    There is a bug in your theme. It is not using the enqueue method to add jQuery.

    Below is a sample of your source code, you can see that your theme is adding jQuery as well as the Multi-level Navigation plugin, the difference between the two though, is that the plugin is adding it via the ‘enqueue’ method, so it is calling it from wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js and if another plugin or theme does the same, it will only be added once to the HTML, whereas the theme is simply calling it’s own copy of jQuery on top of the existing jQuery script. This will cause your theme to fail to work with almost any plugin which uses jQuery.
    [code:msahf6y2]<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.forangelsonly.org/wp-content/themes/Journal/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script>


    <!– Multi-level Navigation Plugin v1.8.1 by PixoPoint Web Development ... http://pixopoint.com/multi-level-navigation/ –>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.forangelsonly.org/wp-content/plugins/multi-level-navigation-plugin/style.php" />
    <script type=’text/javascript’ src=’http://www.forangelsonly.org/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.2.6′></script>

    You could crudely fix it by simply removing the call to jQuery in the theme. If you downloaded the theme from somewhere you should ask the theme developer to release a new version which calls the script correctly.


    Thanks for your help..
    I am will talk with theme developer for this problem and let you now…
    Is there any other way you can help me out.. i can give any information about side to you but need to solve this issue as soon as possible…


    Sorry, but I don’t help fix bugs in other software for free. If you sign up for our premium support service I will be happy to help though <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> https://geek.hellyer.kiwi/premium_support/


    We have installed the Multi-level plugin in three of our Group blogs. On top of our author/post pages we use a tabs created by Jquery. Since upgrading the Multi-level Nav plugin, the jquery tabs are no longer working.

    this is how the jquery tabs should look: http://www.nirmaaan.com/blog/ajkerlink/3028 [look at the 4 blueish tabs on top of content]. In this site, we still haven’t upgraded which is why the tabs are generating correctly.

    this is how it now looks on our test site after updating the plugin: http://www.nirmaaan.com/wptest/admin/1 [ie, the tabs are messed up]

    this is an extremely useful plugin and we would hate to disable it. please advise us if there is any means to get around the problem and make both the plugin and the jquerytabs work.

    thank you in advance,


    I’m not sure exactly what is causing your problem.

    Are you certain this problem was caused after upgrading our plugin and not another one? I can see that the other plugin is calling a different version of jQuery from the default one built into jQuery. This is normally caused by the plugin not using the enqueue method for inserting the scripts.


    Thanks Ryan for your reply. I am positive that it started right after upgrading the plugin, with everything else as they were. Just to check, I replaced the plugin’s folder with one of the older versions I had as backup and the problem was solved.
    However, I take note from your advice and will try the enqueue method, which was not used so far on the site. Will keep you posted about the results.


    Which version did you use before upgrading?


    previously we used version 1.0.7 of the plugin which involved a different snippet of code to be placed on the header.php.

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