JQuery effects not working on live site (OK locally)

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    I’ve installed the Multi-level Navigation Plugin for WordPress on this site:

    While I had it working fine on my local machine, on the live site none of the JQuery effects are working. As far as I can see all the appropriate files seem to be in place, and the paths to them all seem to be correct. Is there maybe a path specified in one of the files that could be wrong, or could it be a server problem? I’m at a bit of a loss on what else to check.

    Any assistance much appreciated.


    OK, looking more closely, I’m guessing the problem may be with this file called "hoverintent.js.php" – I’ve never seen a file with two extensions before – I’m wondering if this could be a server problem not knowing how to handle that file?


    OK, have been reading over on the WordPress forum and discovered that the Menu Plugin is replacing the Multi-level Navigation Plugin, so I have tried that one locally. I posted the message below on the WordPress forum but thought I should re-post it here for more chance of Ryan seeing it:

    I’ve tried both of these plugins and am having trouble with both.

    1. The Multi-Level Navigation Plugin worked fine locally, but when I put it on the live site, none of the jQuery effects worked. The files were all in place, and the paths to them appear to be right, but they just don’t work.

    2. In searching for an answer I found this thread and thought I should try the Menu Plugin if the other is about to be discontinued. But I have loaded that one up locally and the jQuery effects won’t even work locally on this one. From what I can see when I view source, it doesn’t seem to be putting the paths to the files into my header.

    3. There are inconsistent instructions for installing the Menu Plugin – on the WordPress site plugin page, it says to add "<?php wp_page_menu(); ?>" where you want the menu, but in the Help section on the plugin’s admin page in the WP admin area, it says to add "<?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();}; ?>"
    Which is it?

    Clarification and/or advice appreciated. I can’t believe how difficult I am finding it to put a dropdown menu on my site.  This plugin SEEMS really nice, but I’m baffled as to why I can’t get it to work.


    The jQuery problems sound like a problem with another plugin loading jQuery incorrectly.

    Both instructions for adding the menu will work. Thanks for pointing out the inconsistency, I hadn’t realised that.


    I have no other plugins installed, and the setup is identical to my local setup. To be certain, I have done the following:

    – Reinstalled WordPress on the live server in case it was a problem with the WordPress install.
    – Installed Thematic theme in case it was a problem with my theme.
    – Installed the whole thing on another server in case it was a server problem.

    I’ve made no modifications to the Thematic theme – in all cases it is set up as it was when installed.
    Locally everything works as it should. On the live servers it recognises the Pixopoint settings for what items to display in the menu, but ignores all the jQuery settings.

    http://cammeraytennis.asn.au/wordpress/ (This one also seems to be ignoring the Pixopoint style sheet)

    I have checked and triple checked, and all settings are identical in all three cases.

    All are on WordPress version 2.8.6.

    I can click on the links in the source code and the js files open up, so the files are where they are meant to be.

    The only difference I can think of is that the live sites are installed in a subdirectory. I’d appreciate any idea why this might be happening.


    (Note that it is now the Menu Plugin I am working with, not the Multi-Level Navigation, as I saw that the Menu Plugin is the more recent one.)


    This turned out to be a server problem. I noticed that all the files that weren’t working contained:

    The hosting company’s tech support got back to me with this:
    "Our servers PHP Suhosin security configuration only allows transversals of 4 directories but the require_once("../../../../wp-load.php"); was attempting 6 directories"

    They changed the configuration for me and it now works online too 


    Wow! That’s a facinating thing to know! Thanks for pointing out the problem. I hope that isn’t affecting too many other people. I’ll have to remember that in future when people report issues getting jQuery to work. I’m surprised you didn’t have the same problem with the stylesheet though since it works in much the same way.

    Conveniently I started working on a new setup last night which would avoid that problem altogether <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> It won’t be available for a wee while yet though.

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    I’m surprised you didn’t have the same problem with the stylesheet though since it works in much the same way.

    I did eventually realise that the style sheet was also not working live – that’s how I pinpointed the problem, as I realised that all the files that seemed to be a problem contained that wp-load bit. Once I noticed that and pointed it out to tech support they were able to work out what the problem was.


    The latest pre-alpha build of the PixoPoint menu plugin fixes this problem for the javascript files. To fix the CSS file problem I might need to move the style.php file down into the root of the folder so that it steps through one less level.

    In theory I could send the exact path to the file via the URL negating the need to step through so many folders, but there is (theoretically) potential there for a security breach so I’m not keen to go doing that. It’s probably perfectly safe, but I’ve been warned off doing that by PHP security experts and I don’t know enough about such things to ignore their advice.

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