Issues With New Install

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin Issues With New Install

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    WooThemes recommended this plug in for their themes.

    I have installed it here 

    I believe I have all the settings correct and have enabled the autoload option.

    However, on this post, … de-photos/

    Made with the WP Gallery Option

    The images are gigantic (original size) and I do not see any navigation to go to the next image.  We do not use images THAT often, but when we do , we’d like the lightbox effect.

    Any suggestions?



    The plugin is actually doing exactly what it’s supposed to. It merely provides a focused presentation of the image, it doesn’t do any sort of resizing.
    Unless there’s a good reason you’re linking to such a large image I’d recommend you simply resize the originals to something more normal sized and link to those instead.
    If you do want the larger images, I’d recommend you still create resized version to show in slimbox, and provide the url to the fullsize image in the alt-text, configuring slimbox to display the alt-text for you.


    There is a new post, and rather than a gallery, I selected LARGE as the size when I created the post.  So when WP resizes the image it does so for its own purposes. But this plug in goes to the original?

    Jsut making sure so I know how to handle in the future.

    Thakns … ee-photos/


    I’m not familiar with WP Gallery, but it looks like what it’s doing is letting you select the size of the thumbnail, which is what you see on the page by default, but were you to click the image without slimbox installed it would directly link you to the full sized image. In the case of slimbox, when you click it, it loads that same full sized image in the slimbox.
    I think you’ll want to resize the original image before you upload it in WP Gallery.


    I am still having issues. I uploaded an image into a post (single image) and made sure it was sized correctly –350 X 178. I have autoload enabled.

    When I click on the image, it reverts to the image on a blank white screen. I am linked to the image in WP.

    Here is the URL of the post: … s-collide/



    Sorry about the delay, but I think you’ve misunderstood me.

    You need to resize the uploaded image to the size you want it to display (we’ll call this full size, even though you might have resized it) in the slimbox, then when you insert it in your post you associate a thumbnail of an appropriate size as well.

    Once you’ve saved your post, when you click on the thumbnail the slimbox comes up with the "full size" image. In this case, you made your full size image the same size as your thumbnail (350×178), so clicking the thumbnail displayed – that’s right, a 350×178 image.

    You want to save something larger (but not as overly large as the original pictures you’d posted), maybe something akin to 800×600 (adjusted to match the dimensions of your image), use that as your "full size" image, select the thumbnail size you want, and then it should do what you’re anticipating.

    As for a "blank white screen", I assume you mean a white overlay? When I brought up the image there was a white overlay, which is basically a layer of whatever color you selected in the options adjusted to whatever opacity you’d selected as well. If it’s solid white, that means you set opacity to 1, but when I checked it, it was something lower than that.

    Hope that helps.


    Got it!  Thanks you VERY much!

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