Integrate into wp Prides theme – custom

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    I’m working on building a site for a non-profit org. (a HS rowing team) and I’m first hosting it on my site.  I’m realizing there is so much content, that I have to have drop down menus so your plug in looks perfect.
    However, I’m unfortunately not an expert on css or even wordpress so I’m having a tough time getting the right layout and implementation.
    Also, I’d like to have the nav be based on what is currently there ( – I don’t want categories, archives, blogroll,etc… it looks like this site did something similar:

    Is this something you can advise me on?  I dropped in the code to the header.php after activating the plugin but it looks all wrong (size, colors) and throws off the whole layout of the page.  Plus, I need to edit it so that the main pages are listed across the top instead of categories, archives, etc.



    I’m happy to help, but I need to see what you’ve got so far first. If you post back with a link to the plugin in action, I’ll see if I can find a solution for you.


    Hi, thanks Ryan.  I had removed it to work on some other things without being distracted.  It’s back in  place in the header.php – here –



    I’m not surprised the menu isn’t working correctly.

    You have placed it inside another unordered list, but not within a list item which is invalid code. Try placing it outside of the other unordered list and your problems may be corrected. You may also need to keep it outside of the #foxmenu DIV tag as I assume that is applying CSS to the existing menu and will probably interfere with the behavior of the dropdown menu.


    Thanks Ryan, I did what you advised but it seems like it’s only moving the menu up to the spot it needs to be on the page layout.  Formatting is still incorrect (font size and color when I rollover for the drop downs) It’s also looking very strange in IE.

    On top of the formatting, is there a way to display the pages across the top without the "categories, archives, blogroll, etc"? 

    If this is something you can help with, that’d be great.  Again, this is for a non-profit so I don’t really have any money to develop with and am not getting paid for the site I’m building – so I would really appreciate any advise you have.  This is what I have for code currently:

    <div id="foxmenucontainer">
    <div id="foxmenu">

    <?php if (function_exists(‘suckerfish’)) {suckerfish();} ?>
    <?php if (is_page()) { $highlight = "page_item"; } else {$highlight = "page_item current_page_item"; } ?>
    <li class="<?php echo $highlight; ?>"><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>">Home</a></li>

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=’); ?>

    <div class="content">



    [quote:1yuo6o5i]On top of the formatting, is there a way to display the pages across the top without the "categories, archives, blogroll, etc"? [/quote:1yuo6o5i]

    You just want to remove those options from your menu? To do that, just go to the admin page and look in the ‘advanced options’ section. You can control all that stuff from there.

    You might want to remove stuff like this from your HTML: <font color="#ff3400" size="2">> </font>. That effect is much better off done with a SPAN tag styled via CSS. The FONT tag is a depreciated HTML element and shouldn’t be used.

    What exactly doesn’t look correct about the menu? I viewed it in Firefox 3.0 and it looks identical when inside your theme and when viewed by itself. It seems to be rendering exactly how you wanted it to. Or is it just an IE specific problem?

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