
Forums Forums Menus Installed

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  • #246

    I installed followed every step several times, each time the site using the Opinions WordPress Theme displays the drop down menu in a verical line of various categories and pages in one long column !

    WHY ! ?

    OH and I gave you 50 bucks btw  <img decoding=” title=”Sad” />


    [quote:gewdxg9e]OH and I gave you 50 bucks btw  [/quote:gewdxg9e]

    Thank you very much <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’m busy right now, but I’ll sort your problem out in three hours time.


    Could you please send me a link to either your site (with theme installed) or to a download page for the ‘Opinions theme’? I tried finding it via Google but didn’t have any luck.


    can I send the site to you via email rather then via bulletin board ? please  give me an email for me to send it to you thanks !


    Just send it via our contact page …

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