Image buttons

Forums Forums Menus Image buttons

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    I was wondering if it was possible to use image buttons rather than the standard text the menu is set up with?



    Yes that is possible. But it would require doing it by hand as there isn’t anyway to automate this. Or at least not without a huge amount of work. So this will not be included in the plugin.

    An easier and usually more preferred route, is to use graphics as a background to the actual menu text. This way your menu is indexable by bots and will resize appropriately on altering your text size.

    An example of this can be seen on my new WordPress theme Aqua Vaccinium[/url:fk3l6x8f].


    Ryan, I have created a background image for the navbar and would like to use it in place of the current one here:

    Obviously, if that is not  possible, I need to correct the width of the existing navbar.  Though I’ve found some posts, the solution is not clear to me.  Can you help?  I am NOT very literate in all this, but have gotten where I am by sheer determination and a little bit of luck!  I was so thrilled to find your plugin.  Thank you.

    ETA:  Now I have actually uploaded an image for the navbar, which works in IE7, but not in FF or Safari.  Is there possibly a layering issue going on?


    Lol, I just spent the past 15 mins swearing at your site trying to figure out why I couldn’t fix your problem. Then I realised that I had forgotten to change your CSS file to point to the one I was editing <img decoding=” title=”Tongue” /> So I’d been editing, editing, editing and it will still accessing the one on your web host!

    Once I realised my own stupid mistake, I fixed it by adding height:40px like so:

    [code:34r0kpi9]#suckerfishnav {
        background: #000000 url(images/navbar.gif);

    The height needs to be specified because without it the menu has a height of zero (but menu items do have height), therefore your background wasn’t showing up.

    BTW, nice site! I like your photos.

    [b:34r0kpi9]Unrelated problem:[/b:34r0kpi9] What’s up with your style.php file? Usually when people leave them activated, a blank page shows up. However with yours it gives a 404 error!? If you aren’t using it, you should deactivate it in the plugins admin page because otherwise it will very slightly increase your page load times.


    I forgot to add, that the comments I made at the start of this topic were made a long time ago. In between times, the CSS generator has been upgraded to allow this as a standard feature.

    For actual buttons like here you need to upgrade to Premium membership to get access to the latest CSS generator which allows you to generate proper buttons for your menus.


    Ryan, thank you so much! I’m so glad to have that solved – that makes perfect sense! About the style.php file…..could that be related to the installation of flashfader?  (It’s late, and I’m fading, myself! I don’t think I’m quite following you. I will investigate further tomorrow.)

    Thank you, too, for your kind words about my work!  :-)


    I thought maybe you had deleted the style.php file actually. Perhaps it didn’t copy correctly, or is corrupted? At any rate, it doesn’t matter as you aren’t using it anyway. It would just be a good idea to deactivate that feature since it isn’t being used.

    I don’t know what Flash fader is, but I don’t think it would have anything to do with that problem.

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