ie8 compatibility issues

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    I am a newbie when it comes to WP and the pixopoint plugin. I have been working on my blog and after I installed the menu plugin i tested it on 3 browsers. When I view it in IE8 my blog posts and text on ever page are pushed way down on the page. I have the option to use the compatibility view next to the browser on IE8 and it corrects the problem. I was curious if this is a bug with the plugin or just and IE issue. You can view it here

    I love the plugin it was very easy to use and edit the style, thank you!


    It’s not a bug with the plugin or IE8, it’s a problem with the way you have integrated it with your theme.


    I’m new to WordPress. Using WordPress 2.8.2 – Default Theme – Have not modified CSS. Link: I have installed the new pixopoint Menu and it functions well.  The only problem I have is using ie8 on child menu items(flyouts) – it skips 8 characters or so to the right then displays the child menu and its impossible to get to the menu item.  This problem does not occur in Safari and works as intended.  Any ideas or suggestions. Thanks.


    @stevegentry – I can’t see any problems in IE8 sorry.

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