First of all.. I was searching for weeks how to take certain code out of wordpress templates and come up with a drop down menu. When I came across the multi-level nav I was very happy.
Apparently everythning looks fine in Firefox and opera, but IE7 is not acting right. The first thing I checked was to make sure before the:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
there were no Carriage returns or anything.
In an attempt to try to fix the issue I removed the:
<div id="toprss"><a href="feed:"><img src="" alt="Theme Preview" width="65" height="24" /></a></div> <!– Closes toprss –>
From the header.php file
I then added back some of it in an attempt to see how to resolve it. Here is what I added back:
div id="toprss"><a href="feed:"><img src= alt="Theme Preview" width="6" height="28" /></a>
</div> <!– Closes toprss –>
I really dont want the RSS feed at the top….
also I want to have it working in IE7
Thank you.. I hope I didnt forget to add anything..