IE7 – ghost sub menu persists after mouse out

Forums Forums Menus IE7 – ghost sub menu persists after mouse out

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  • #576
    M One

    I’m having a problem in IE7. Here are my settings;

    Speed of fade-in effect – instant
    Mouseover delay (milliseconds) – 100
    Sensitivity – high

    When I roll over a top level item the submenu appears as it should. However, when I move away the background color of the submenu disappears but the borders and menu items do not. I am also able to roll mouse over this "ghost" submenu and it responds.

    If I enable "Enable hide delay?" the submen doies disappear as it should but in 2 distinct phases: 1 – the submenu font color changes to white (not in my css) then, after about 1.5 seconds, the submenu disappears.

    No problems on IE6/FF etc.

    Any thoughts / advice on fixing this. I’m more than happy to loose any scipted effects if it makes it more stable.

    Thanks – & about to upgrade to premium if we can resolve this – Mark.

    M One

    Confirm this not an issue with 1.6.2


    I’m happy to help, but not much I can do without seeing a link to your site. I haven’t heard of this happening for anyone else.

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