IE7 Error Message due to interaction between MLM and CForms

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    I noticed that I was getting a little icon (yellow triangle with an exclamation point) in the lower right corner of IE7 and the message "Error on Page". There is no problem reported using Firefox. I started deactivating my Plugins, one at a time, and the icon went away when I deactivated CForms and reappeared when I reactivated it. It also went away when I deactivated the Multi-level Menu plugin and reappeared when I reactivated it.

    So it appears that the two plugins have a conflict when they are both activated at the same time but only in IE7.

    Any ideas?


    It’s probably a javascript clash because they don’t use enqueue scripts. I’ll download the plugin and take a look. The error you are seeing is a javascript error.

    For some annoying reason IE decides to show it to users, I have no idea why. Those errors usually just mean that one of the scripts is failing in some way; why users of IE need to know this I have no idea. The error will be happening on Firefox as well, it just doesn’t tell you about it.


    I’ve downloaded it and it looks like they are not enqueueing their scripts correctly.

    The 1.0.x series of the Multi-level Navigation Plugin also added scripts in this way, the problem is that when another plugin uses the same script (jQuery presumably in this case), the two plugins clash as they both try to load it. The enqueue method ensures that only one copy is loaded, not one for each plugin.

    There is a contact form on their site, so I’ll send them a link to this forum topic and hopefully they’ll be able to release a new version which corrects it … assuming that I am correct and it is an enqueue scripting problem.

    As a crude hack, you could try deleting the jQuery.js file from the cForms plugin. I’m pretty sure that will get rid of the error (I haven’t tried it though).


    I’ve sent them a message. Hopefully they’ll be able to help out.

    If not, I could make a new plugin which fixes it from my end. But that would be a rather crude hack and it would break the next time you tried to upgrade the plugin.


    I posted your response on the CForms Forum at … 101/#p9520.

    Hopefully, they will fix the problem. Thanks for your incredibly speedy response.


    I received an email from them saying that they do use enqueue. I think they’re deregistering the original jQuery script and replacing it with their own which is what is causing the problem … I could be wrong though.

    I’ll look into it further and see what I can find out.


    Cross posting:

    I jumped the gun here a bit. What I said was geared towards the admin interface – not the ‘client’ side.

    This makes a lot more sense. Depending on how they’ve set this up, I may be able to work my own plugin in around this to make them both work together. I’ll have a crack and post back here once I’ve taken a closer look.


    I’ve downloaded and installed cForms, but I can’t trigger that bug. Do you know what setting you chose to make it fail to work with the Multi-level Navigation plugin?


    Well, both plugins must be activated at the same time. I can send you my CSS but it’s nothing out of the ordinary for a pull down menu.


    I assume you must have changed a setting in the cForms plugin though. When I tried it myself it didn’t clash at all with the Multi-level Navigation plugin.

    CSS has no bearing on this issue, it’s a scripting problem.


    Yes, I have two forms, the default "Contact Form" and a fairly simple registration form for fishing tournaments. I have made no changes beyond that.

    How about activating a contact form to see if that causes the conflict?


    I activated a contact form, but the menu worked fine. I’ll check again in case I made a mistake.


    I assume you chose [i:1ti0va8b]Enable Javascript date picker ** Note »[/i:1ti0va8b] in … #popupdate?

    That triggers jQuery to load and messes up the menu because it isn’t enqueued correctly. If you deactivate it, the menu and form should work fine. I suspect that option wasn’t working in your forms anyway since the two jQuery scripts will be messing each other up.


    That’s it!!! Problem solved! Thank you so much.



    For the record … that plugin is still pretty slick! I don’t think you would find an alternative which could offer the same sort of functionality. That is one heck of a feature rich plugin they have there.

    I was going to write a hack into the Multi-level Navigation plugin to correct the problem, but since it can be fixed by just deactivating the data picker I won’t bother.

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