IE6 – display of navigation

Forums Forums Menus IE6 – display of navigation

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  • #411

    I have the following problem:

    If I go to the website I am working on … ange/blog/
    via a link (e.g. from here) or if I navigate within the site (using IE 6.0) the navigation is not diplay as expected but as a hierachy in the left column. If I reload the page the problem disappears and the page displays ok!

    I hope you can replicate this problem. I am runing WP 6.2.2 and the theme used is Atahualpa 2.21 by BFA Webdesign


    It sounds like you just have a caching problem. Perhaps try clearing your browser cache.


    Dear Ryan,
    thanks for your answer. This does not seem to be the problem. I cleared the cached and the problem remains. Also a friend I asked to look at the pages experienced the same using Firefox 3.0.1 and he did not visit the site before … For me with FF 3.0.3 it is ok?! Also for FF 2.0 it is ok

    This image
    shows the problem which oocurs after navigating to the page via an external or internal link.
    After reloading
    everything is at it should be …

    To be honest it is very strange ;-)

    It would be great if you have another idea about this and if maybe somebody else could have a look and tell me about browser versions with and without problems!

    Thanks a lot


    Aha !!!
    I just figured out that the IE seems to have problems calling the css from the suckerfish code! I copied it in the WP style.css and now it is working fine!



    Glad to hear you got it working <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    That is related to the style.php bug which seems to affect some server setups.

    I didn’t pick up on the problem as my IE6 install doesn’t have internet access to trigger the bug.

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