IE dropdown issue – dropdown closes when leaving scrolling down from top navigation

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    We are still trying to figure out how to get the dropdown to display on top of the javascript rotator (any ideas on that would be appreciated).  But that is not the issue that I’m working on at the moment.  In IE7, if I mouse over a page (for example, "About Us" or "Outreach," when I try to scroll down to a child page, there is a small gap between the parent and the start of the list of child pages that causes it to lose focus on the dropdown.  Any ideas?

    BTW, it works in FF3 (Win and Mac), Chrome, and I even just tested it on the IE8 beta and it works on all of them.  Thanks in advance for the help.


    Are you referring to the gap above the child menu? Ie: when you hover over the dropdown items, the menu flys out to the right, but when the link you hover over has spread to two lines the child drops down accordingly? (hopefully that made sense)

    If so, then I don’t have a simple solution for you sorry. You could specify a fixed height for each menu item so that they’re all identical in height and hence avoid the problem, but that isn’t possible with the CSS generator by default. It would also mean the one lined links would have a gap at the top and bottom.

    I don’t do this type of customisation for free, but am happy to do so for members of our Premium Support package …
    I could also have a crack at making it work without using a fixed height for our premium support members too, but I can’t make any promises that I can do it. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any way of doing it reliably, but it may be possible. It would probably require a complete recode of the CSS from scratch.


    If we register for premium support, would you be able to help us with getting making all the drop down widths dynamic? Right now, they are fixed at 110px wide, but depending upon the length of the page name above, it looks kinda strange.  BTW, once we get approval on this project, we will be signing up for the support.  We just can’t invest any money until the project gets approved.


    Yes I can definitely make your menu item widths dynamic. That should be fairly straightforward actually. The double line business is a tad more complicated though.

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