I must be missing something…

Forums Forums Slimbox2 plugin I must be missing something…

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  • #648

    So I got Slimbox 2 installed (safely this time!) and activated on my site (http://thescreamingalpha.com). The options menu for the plugin is present on the Dashboard and all is well.

    Except that it doesn’t seem to be doing anything. I click on the photos in my posts and nothing happens. Do I need to add something to the pictures like a tag or something to get the effect to work? I thought that the autoload option would take care of this.

    I’d be grateful if anybody could take a look and suggest what I might be doing wrong. Thanks.


    There appears to be something very strange about how your site is generated, but I can’t quite figure out what.

    First off, it took me quite a while just to find images to test, though I eventually found one in the "Review: Police Officers by West Wind" post.
    Once I got there, you were right, it didn’t work correctly for some reason, so I started to look over your code.

    Nothing seemed especially out of place, the slimbox code looked like it loaded correctly. I did notice that for some reason slimbox2.css was loaded in like 3 different locations, though I don’t think that would create any issues.

    Strangely, when I manually ran the code on your site, it worked just fine, which seems to imply your site for some reason isn’t loading normally, unfortunately I can’t really think of any ways to test this, though I do plan to look into it.

    If anyone else has any ideas, I’m all ears.


    Hmm. Well, I won’t say I feel great about hearing that I have strange code, but I guess I’m glad the problem isn’t just that I’m a moron and forgot to flip a switch of something. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Sorry to ask for more of your time, but I really have no shot of figuring this out myself. Things seem to be stable at least, so it’s not like an emergency or anything. Whatever you could figure out would be of immense help.

    I’ve worked pretty hard on the damn thing to get it this far, and to have it messed up is distressing in an unexpectedly personal way. I kinda feel like my kid’s sick! Anyway, thanks for all the help. I wouldn’t have gotten this far without the kindness and support of coders like yourself.



    Do you by any chance know if your page is for some reason loaded using mostly ajax, instead of traditional php? The only logical thing I can come up with is that for some reason the javascript is firing before the content with the images is loaded.


    I’m afraid that’s a little out of my depth. I use GoDaddy for hosting, if that means anything. I can ask their tech support and get back to you.
    edit: I have an email into them asking this question and will repost the answer here when I hear back.


    Sadly I doubt GoDaddy can answer that, it’s more related to how you’ve configured WordPress to generate the output.


    Cool. Into the unknown! I’m glad to help test a solution, especially if it helps others. I just hope I don’t end up withe the WP equivalent of three asses or no face or something. <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    I’ll leap into action at around 4:20 pm EST and we’ll see what’s what. I’ll report back when the deed is done.


    Eureka! It works! Part of the problem was, I suspect, the legacy of my weird install explosion that prompted me to come here for help in the first place. It looks like nearly all my image links got deleted somehow, meaning that there was no bigger image for slimbox to display. I finally found an intact one on the West Wind cops review and it works perfectly now.

    I went back and fixed some of the busted image links and it looks like they’ll all work once I replace the link code.

    Thanks so much for all the help, man. I mean coding a fix is really above and beyond the call. Rest assured I shall sing the praises of you and your plugin to all my new WP buddies!

    I go now to fix a bunch of busted image links. I’ll most likely be back soon when I try to do something new and screw that up too! Thanks again.


    Seeing as how it appears to fix this specific issue, I guess it might be time to roll out the next official release.

    Glad to help!


    I wrote you a little thank-you post on my site. I figured a link was the least I owed you. Ironically the post doesn’t use Slimbox at all… <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />
    Lemme know if you’d prefer me to use your handle. Wish I’d thought to ask earlier. Ah well, it’s easy to fix.


    That’s fine be me, thanks for the props.

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