How to hide pages from menu.

Forums Forums Menus How to hide pages from menu.

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    Hi – I have the plugin installed and it’s working great. Really fantastic work.

    One thing though, I have a page called "Legal" along with some others which I’m just want to hardcode into the footer (so as to still have WP control over editing them) but NOT have them appear in the top nav.

    I’ve gone to the MENU CONTENTS settings, down to PAGES /  CATEGORIES TO INCLUDE OR EXCLUDE and tried:

    Legal -> Exclude
    legal -> exclude

    and it’s still appearing in the top. I should point out that I’m using permalinks…. what do I need to enter? Maybe the page id?

    I’d post the url but as the site is in development you wouldn’t see it anyway, it’s locked down.

    Many thanks in advance to anyone who can help.



    Sorry – just figured it out (sometimes I’m an idiot)  <img decoding=” title=”Wink” />

    It is the page id it’s looking for (which I was able to determine from the wp-admin area).

    Happy days. (Perhaps it’d be cool to point this out in a line of text beside the option in the multi level nav options screen – don’t hit me!!!)


    Yeah, the page ID’s used to be a lot more obvious in older versions of WordPress. Unfortunately they’ve been making it more complicated to find them in more recent versions. And yeah, I might add a little box which appears when you hover over a question mark (or something like that) in the admin panel to save some confusion.


    I’m not having any luck hiding a page.. 1) I can’t find the page ID (I too am using permalinks) and 2 not sure even if I did have teh id what the correct way would be to enter it into the excludes text box…

    Please Help



    I found my page IDs using view source in Firefox.  It shows the ID of the pages the plugin sees.
    class="page_item page-item-2"


    You can see the ID’s in the URLs for each page, post etc. Just hover over the edit links in the admin panel. For whatever reason, the WordPress core removed support for displaying ID’s some time ago. I’m not sure why.

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