How to get flash swf’s below menus

Forums Forums Menus How to get flash swf’s below menus

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  • #281

    I was having a problem with the menu getting cut off by my swf. It was an easy fix with pb-embedFlash wdmode transparent.

    Here is the link for anyone else who has this problem –


    Thanks Dred.
    There is some information about it here too …


    I don’t quite understand the syntax for this thing. Can you guys help me out on how to make pbembedflash transparent so pixopoint won’t be behind the flash movie? I’ve checked the links above, but both do not provide the proper syntax for it.


    This link might be more useful to you (found via Google) … … d=tn_14201

    Apparently you need to add this between your OBJECT tags:
    [code:16ll7h62]<param name="wmode" value="transparent">[/code:16ll7h62]

    And this in an EMBED tag

    So your code should look something like this:
      <param value="blabla.swf" / >
      <param name="wmode" value="transparent" / >
      <embed src="transparency.swf" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

    Or at least that’s how I think it works. If it doesn’t, then post back here with a link and I’ll fix it for you. My memory on how these flash videos works is a little fuzzy.

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