How do I uninstall suckerfish?

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    I removed the plug-in folder, deactivated it, and removed the code from my header.php file, but I still see it in Firefox and IE?  Doesn’t show up anymore in Safari though. Please tell me what to do ASAP – it looks awful!


    I assume your ISP or your browser is caching it. The menu is not there when I look at it.

    If you have removed it from your header.php file, then it is impossible that is still showing on your site unless you are running some sort of caching software, in which case I’d be able to see it myself – but I can’t, so it’s not that.

    Try deleting the cache in your browser, and if that doesn’t work then try viewing the site via a proxy and that should show the site without the menu in place.

    Sometimes reloading the page multiple times can make your ISP grab a new copy of it too.


    I wanted to reply to your response to my post about unistalling suckerfish, but I think i couldn’t b/c I was a guest.  I did what you said: clear my private history, checked the code to make sure that the suckerfish code was gone, reloaded the page and viewed it in a proxy site.  NOTHING WORKED!!

    You said that you couldn’t see the drop down when you tried to click one of the navigation links at the top, but did you use IE or FF, b/c the drop-down doesn’t show up in Safari only in IE and FF.

    Please help me – are their any database tables that I should delete to make sure that the script is gone?
    Please help me

    [size=1:j6fpp8lo]EDIT by Ryan: Merged with original topic.[/size:j6fpp8lo]


    Not only do you not seem to have the plugin activated, but it does not even seem to be in your plugins folder. I can’t see any possible way that the plugin could still be working.

    It won’t matter what browser I use, if the plugin isn’t there it isn’t going to output anything to the screen. I tried Safari in case you had some sort of browser sniffing system, but as expected the code was not there.

    I intend to eventually add an uninstall option to the plugin so that the database entries are removed, but that won’t be until the next major release which I’m intending for later in the year.

    The entries added to your database are all in your wp_options folder as follows:

    1. suckerfish_css
    2. suckerfish_superfish
    3. suckerfish_superfish_speed
    4. suckerfish_superfish_time
    5. suckerfish_superfish_timeout
    6. suckerfish_menuitem1
    7. suckerfish_menuitem2
    8. suckerfish_menuitem3
    9. suckerfish_menuitem4
    10. suckerfish_menuitem5
    11. suckerfish_menuitem6
    12. suckerfish_menuitem7
    13. suckerfish_menuitem8
    14. suckerfish_menuitem9
    15. suckerfish_menuitem10
    16. suckerfish_hometitle
    17. suckerfish_pagestitle
    18. suckerfish_categoriestitle
    19. suckerfish_archivestitle
    20. suckerfish_blogrolltitle
    21. suckerfish_recentcommentstitle
    22. suckerfish_keyboard
    23. suckerfish_disablecss
    24. suckerfish_inlinecss
    25. suckerfish_excludecategories
    26. suckerfish_custommenu
    27. suckerfish_custommenu2


    BTW, Guests should have no problems replying to any comments. I’m not sure why you would have any problems.


    I was trying to tell u that the drop-down was NOT showing up in Safari.  The problem is with Firefox and Internet Explorer – could you please try viewing in those?  Someone else looked at it for me in IE and they saw it too.

    I checked my database tables too and the entries aren’t there.  I don’t see how it could still be showing up either – its the weirdest thing.


    I could check in other browsers, but it’s a fruitless exercise. If the code is not there then neither can the menu.

    If you don’t have the database entries and you haven’t removed them yourself or used some sort of WordPress database cleanup plugin, then presumably the plugin was never installed.

    If you are still having troubles, perhaps copy and paste the source code of your page and post it here.


    Source Code for Header.php (menu starts with <ul id="nav"> ):

    [code:3rm6im8v]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" <?php language_attributes(); ?>>

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    echo ‘404 Not Found’;
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    echo ‘Category:’; wp_title(”);
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    echo ‘Search Results’;
    } elseif ( is_day() || is_month() || is_year() ) {
    echo ‘Archives:’; wp_title(”);
    } else {
    echo wp_title(”);

        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="<?php bloginfo(‘html_type’) ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo(‘charset’) ?>" />
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    [size=1:3rm6im8v]EDIT by Ryan: placed code inside html]code[/html tags.[/size:3rm6im8v]


    No, I need the source code for the page when you can see the menu. So on the page where you see the menu you need to view the source code of that page and post it here.


    Source code for index.php (Home Page) – although the drop-down is showing on every page of my site and that’s why I pasted the header file earlier since that is being called in every page…

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">

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    <title>Real Estate Geeks | Virtual Assistance, Custom Web Design & Real Estate Marketing for Agents & Brokers</title>

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    [size=1:1ybe56pd]EDIT by Ryan: put code inside html]code[/html tags.[/size:1ybe56pd]


    And as expected the menu is not present in the source code. This topic is one of the weirdest support requests I’ve ever received. As far as I can tell you have [b:2pm0e58j]NEVER[/b:2pm0e58j] installed the plugin let alone still have it on your site. Is it possible you installed another plugin and have it confused with ours?

    I have no idea what makes you think the menu is appearing on your pages, but according to all of the information you have provided here it is not.

    You claim there are no database entries for the plugin, which if you haven’t removed them yourself or used some sort of database cleanup tool is impossible – they should still be there. The plugin doesn’t (yet) have any ability to clean itself up.

    The menu is not in your header.php file, which I assume is where you put the code in the first place. Without the call to the suckerfish() function, the menu can not appear on your site.

    The source code of your site is not showing any signs of the plugin being activated in any of the following browsers:
    Firefox 2
    Firefox 3
    IE8 Beta 2

    The plugins folder is not present in your WordPress plugins folder therefore the plugin can not doing anything – because it doesn’t even exit in your WordPress install.

    And to top it off, the source code you just posted also shows no sign of the plugin. If the plugin was activated there would be code related to it between the HEAD and BODY tags.

    There is nothing more I can do to help. Either you are providing me with grossly incorrect information/links/source code or the menu is not installed or whatever ‘menu’ you are seeing is caused by other code unrelated to anything on


    Yes, I realize this is weird… but the problem is I am still seeing in in non-Safari browsers and I didn’t install any other similar plugin at any time.  I have even deleted the entire code of the header.php code saved it then add the code back in and re-saved it and still see the code even though there seems to be no sign of the plugin in my plugins folder or in the source code.

    So you are telling me that you actually viewed my site and didnt actually SEE the drop down menu attempting to come up?  I am not talking about looking at the source code but actually viewing it as a visitor.

    I have asked someone to view it again from their IE browser and they are seeing a green bar appear below the nav link titles and when they try to click the words the nav link flickers.

    I have taken a snapshot of what I am seeing (you can’t see the flicker obviously but you can definitely see that there is a drop down of some kind trying to appear:

    Could you just look at it and tell me if you see it?


    If it isn’t in the source code then it is impossible for it to appear in the page. Looking at it is waste of time since it can not be there anyway.

    Having said that, I have been looking at your site before each of my replies above. The green bar problem you are talking about has been there every time. However that has nothing to do with the plugin. That is caused by some entirely unrelated CSS issue.

    You are chasing a non-existent problem, or at least a problem which is unrelated to any plugins on


    OK. I have fixed it and you were right – it was a CSSS problem not one with the plugin.  I am so sorry that I was trying to get you to fix a problem that you didn’t create!

    Thanks again for working with me!

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