Horizontal Drop Down Menus in WP Mu Issue – Help Needed

Forums Forums Menus Horizontal Drop Down Menus in WP Mu Issue – Help Needed

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    I expect to do nothing unless I ask it to. From what I can see, it is automatically adding links into the option boxes regardless of whether a custom field is selected in the selection box. I’m assuming that is a bug in the system.

    Is it possible that when you select a custom field once, that it forever more adds those options to the menu?


    I finally got around to taking a look at the options page on my install, and what you suggested is not the cause.
    I need to look at the code, but I believe it’s possibly a combination of my changes, and one of the changes you put in the release as well, since I have an earlier version built of 2.0.1 that doesn’t do that.
    I’ll try to take a look at it this weekend and resolve the issue.


    Thanks <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    So…yeah…it’s not my code at all, it’s yours :-P

    It’s this bit of code that’s making it crazy:
    [code:fqh01jbp] $pages = get_pages();
    foreach($pages as $page)  {

    $ret .= ‘<option value=PO’.$page->ID;
    if ($name == ‘PO’.$page->ID ){$ret .=’ selected ‘;}
    $pageTitle  = $page->post_title;
    $ret .= $page->post_title;
    $ret .='</option>’;
    $ret .= ‘<option value=PC’.$page->ID;
    if ($name == ‘PC’.$page->ID ){$ret .=’ selected ‘;}

    $pageTitle  = $page->post_title;
    $ret .= $page->post_title. ‘(include children)’;
    $ret .='</option>’;




    Cheers for the work you guys are putting into making this MU friendly btw, I greatly appreciate it <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />



    I have an even better solution for WP Mu coming up too! I’d like to have an alpha test version up for testing in about two months.


    Attached is a version 2.5.3 beta. This does not include any additions that most of you will want. It simply includes a minor modification to remove the HTML comment tags from the suckerfish() function. This was needed for a specific problem on one of our premium support members sites.

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    Attached is a version 2.5.3. This does not include any additions that most of you will want. It simply includes a minor modification to remove the HTML comment tags from the suckerfish() function. This was needed for a specific problem on one of our premium support members sites.

    Hi Ryan,

    The version on your web site and in the WordPress repository is 2.1.2. Is this 2.5.3 a beta version or stable enough for production use?

    Many thanks in advance!


    It’s a beta, so use at your own risk. Having said that, I would have no hesitation using it myself. If it doesn’t work, you can just replace it with the stable version.

    I’ve decided to work on a new plugin now and so the features in the beta above may potentially never actually make it into the stable version of the Multi-level Navigation plugin. However the new plugin will include ALL of the features of the beta above plus a whole stack more – hence it will be a new plugin and not just a major upgrade. There will be a smooth upgrade from the Multi-level Navigation plugin to the new one when it is released. I don’t have a release date for the new plugin, but I intend to submit it for weblogtoolscollection.com plugin competition so will be available some time before the competition closes (about 3.5 months from now). I will continue updating the beta above though with any bug fixes etc. to ensure that anyone using it doesn’t have any problems. Minor bugs which don’t affect it’s functionality may not be fixed however.

    Edit: Oops, I just realised I forgot to add beta to my post above. I’ll change it accordingly, thanks for picking that up <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    I’ve downloaded 2.3.3 here from the support forum. I see there’s even a version 2.5.2. Why are this versions not downloadable from the website? Or where do I have to look. Pointed out to someone to look for 2.3.3 and she couldn’t find it.


    The links should be somewhere further back in this forum topic. They’re not readily available as they’re still in beta. The new plugin I’m working on incorporates all of their functionality anyway so I’ll be providing an upgrade path directly to that plugin instead of anyone needing to use these betas anymore.


    I installed the latest beta and I can’t figure out how to create submenus. Are the submenus supposed to be set under "second menu contents"? If so, the submenus I want don’t show up in the dropdown. Please advise.


    @John – I don’t think your question has anything to do with WordPress Mu. Please post it in a separate topic.


    Dear friends, I am trying to use the plugin on wpmu in http://domlele.com/ and I am having problems.

    Was working, but do not know what happened that stopped.

    The plugin lists the categories, but the error in the operation, in IE the error is displayed:

    Details of the errors of the Web page

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; SLCC2;. NET CLR 2.0.50727;. NET CLR 3.5.30729;. NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0 ; FDM; Tablet PC 2.0)
    Stamp Date / Time: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 14:28:51 UTC

    Mensage: Syntax Error
    Line: 1
    Character: 1
    Código: 0
    URI: http://domlele.com/wp-content/plugins/m … php?ver=r5

    Mensage: Syntax Error
    Line: 1
    Character: 1
    Código: 0
    URI: http://domlele.com/wp-content/plugins/m … hp?ver=1.0

    Could someone help me?
    Sorry for the English, I’m using a translator
    A big hug!

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