Horizontal Drop Down Menus in WP Mu Issue – Help Needed

Forums Forums Menus Horizontal Drop Down Menus in WP Mu Issue – Help Needed

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    And another updated version. This just has a few minor corrections for a new feature which Malcalevak wanted incorporated into the Advanced Addon plugin.


    Hello there,

    Thanks for the updated plugin… that has fixed the php errors I previously mentioned… however now when I select a certain page to show in the menu bar it doesnt display it… the only way I can list pages is by selecting ‘Pages’ as the menu item… any idea whats going on?

    Many thanks


    What do you mean by ‘select a certain page’?



    I have implemented the new version 2.5 Beta in http://networkofcoaches.com[/url:29th2zh4%5D

    It works great in IE7 but not in FireFox3 however my FireFox is likely the problem and not the plugin.

    In fact I combined the menu plugin with some of the WP Mu theme based menu options and they fit so well side by side that it just looks like one main menu  <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    This is probably the only drop down menu system available for WP Mu.

    Thanks again.


    P.S. May I post this forum thread to the Buddypress forum as those users would benefit from this plugin. There is also a plugin upload system at BP-DEV you can upload the plugin to.

    &quot;webdude2000&quot; wrote:
    It works great in IE7 but not in FireFox3 however my FireFox is likely the problem and not the plugin.

    I’m surprised it works in any browser actually. I removed all of the non-plugin related CSS and HTML and the menu didn’t work properly at all. Everything was black.

    &quot;webdude2000&quot; wrote:
    P.S. May I post this forum thread to the Buddypress forum as those users would benefit from this plugin.

    That would be great thanks!

    &quot;webdude2000&quot; wrote:
    There is also a plugin upload system at BP-DEV you can upload the plugin to.

    I’m not sure that would be appropriate. I assumed the BP plugin repository was for BP specific plugins, not general WordPress plugins which happen to work with BP. I could be wrong though.

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    &quot;webdude2000&quot; wrote:
    It works great in IE7 but not in FireFox3 however my FireFox is likely the problem and not the plugin.

    I’m surprised it works in any browser actually. I removed all of the non-plugin related CSS and HTML and the menu didn’t work properly at all. Everything was black.

    &quot;webdude2000&quot; wrote:
    P.S. May I post this forum thread to the Buddypress forum as those users would benefit from this plugin.

    That would be great thanks!

    &quot;webdude2000&quot; wrote:
    There is also a plugin upload system at BP-DEV you can upload the plugin to.

    I’m not sure that would be appropriate. I assumed the BP plugin repository was for BP specific plugins, not general WordPress plugins which happen to work with BP. I could be wrong though.

    Works fine for me, I changed the menu to Inline stylesheet and it works now in Firefox as well.

    I will notify the buddypress community and you are correct on the BP repository.



    As in, under the ‘Menu Contents’ tab you can select what content to show in the menu… in the drop down boxes are many options, including being able to select specific pages to display in the menu bar… what I was trying to say in my last post was that you cant do this… nothing is displayed when you try and select individual pages… the only way to display pages is by selecting the ‘Pages’ menu item… whats going wrong?


    &quot;tr33m4n&quot; wrote:
    including being able to select specific pages to display in the menu bar… what I was trying to say in my last post was that you cant do this… nothing is displayed when you try and select individual pages… the only way to display pages is by selecting the ‘Pages’ menu item… whats going wrong?

    I don’t think anything is wrong, unless I’ve misunderstood. There are only two options which allow you to display WordPress’s pages, ‘Pages’ and ‘Pages (single dropdown’). Then if you want to specify particular pages then you need to exclude or include them via the various options further down the admin page.


    Have a look at the screenshot


    That looks as expected.


    My mistake, have a look at this screenshot


    Well that is an extremely weird look screenshot.

    Do you have the advanced options activated? Malcalevak provided some code for it which allows you to use custom fields to display various pages. I don’t understand how it works or why he wanted it, but it adds pages to the options list like your screenshot has. Did you perhaps add the customfields for that option?


    Actually I think I can see the problem you are having now. It does look like a bug caused by Malcalevak’s code I think.

    I’ll send him an email to ask him to take a look at it for us.


    Ok cool. If that feature worked as expected however, it would be incredibly useful, for example being able to choose which menu item had a drop down menu etc <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    Anyway, thanks for your help


    I’m not seeing a problem, what exactly are you expecting it to do?

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