HELP Newbie to Mult-level and don’t know where to begin to fix

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    Hi I need some help with Multi level drop down 

    the website

    You will see two sets of global navigation. 

    The gray line is multi level

    and the second line will with all the navigation I want in the multi-level drop down.
    As you can see I added a subpage to my navigation "Staff" and realized I needed a drop down menu.

    When I installed the multi-level, is that I noticed that picked up the home page.  What I want is the Pages ONLY in the Global Navigation:  Worship, Spiritual Nurture and Fun, Beliefs, STill Speaking, Contact PSCC, Home

    Secondly, it didn’t pick up the default background image. I would actually like it to pick up the background images you see in the second line.

    I do not know much about php. However, I cann tell you all about CSS2 Webstandards, accessibility.

    Can you help me out? 

    I did have the earlier version Ryan’s installed and deactivated and deleted the file from the host.  I hope that didn’t have something to do with it.

    Thank you,


    I am confused and am not really sure what you are trying to do.

    What do you mean by ‘pick up the home page’, or ‘pick up the default background image’?


    I’m sorry if I’m not making myself clear and so late in responding.  Let me try again.

    I want a global nav across the top that lists only pages.  When I put
    <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?> into the header, it currently only lists one page, the homepage. Go to

    Previous to me activating this plugin-in  I used the following code in the header which listed all the pages.

    <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=3&title_li=&exclude=133’); ?>
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>">Home</a></li>


    Sorry for multiple posts.  I did figure out how to get the pages to show.  I am still formatting:;

    Had 3 questions: 
    1. In the stylesheet: What is this for because I generally don’t put position:absolute in my styles.  #suckerfishnav li ul {position:absolute;left:-999em; height:auto; width:3em; font-weight:normal;margin:0em;line-height:1;-moz-opacity:1;opacity:1;khtml-opacity:1;}

    2. I generally do a separate style sheet for IE browser.  Can I use this stylesheet?
    <!–[if  lte  IE 7]>
    <link href="; rel="stylesheet" media="screen" />
    <![endif]–>  which I have begun already

    3. Look at the Welcome link.  I would like the title within the page to say Welcome but the link to say home. 

    Before I installed the plugin I used this:  <?php wp_list_pages(‘depth=3&title_li=&exclude=133’); ?>
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo(‘home’); ?>">Home</a></li>

    How would I do this with the plugin?

    &quot;ncj&quot; wrote:
    1. In the stylesheet: What is this for because I generally don’t put position:absolute in my styles.   #suckerfishnav li ul {position:absolute;left:-999em; height:auto; width:3em; font-weight:normal;margin:0em;line-height:1;-moz-opacity:1;opacity:1;khtml-opacity:1;}

    Absolute positioning is used to move the dropdown into place.

    &quot;ncj&quot; wrote:
    2. I generally do a separate style sheet for IE browser.  Can I use this stylesheet?

    Yes. But our CSS works with most browsers anyway so it shouldn’t be needed for the plugin. If you are using IE conditional comments to get the menu working then you are probably doing something wrong.

    &quot;ncj&quot; wrote:
    3. Look at the Welcome link.  I would like the title within the page to say Welcome but the link to say home.  

    The ‘Home’ title can be controlled via the plugins admin page.

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