Hanging CSS Menu

Forums Forums Menus Hanging CSS Menu

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  • #388

    Browser: Safari 4 Developer and Firefox 3.0.3 (Mac)
    Site: http://www.rishi-kumar.com/
    CSS: (view source on rishi-kumar.com) It’s inline for now.

    If you visit my website, you’ll see the navigation menu shifted over from the left by 100px (padding-left:100px;); however, this caused the menu to hang over on the right end by 100px too. I’m a CSS newbie, so I was wondering if there was any way to have my cake and eat it too (shift the navigation to where it currently is at 100px from the left, but NOT have the hanging nav. bar on the far right?)


    I don’t have a Mac to test on, so I’m not sure if what I’m seeing is what you are talking about or not.

    At the moment, the links in the menu are skinnier than their container, so they’re in the middle of each dropdown rather than spanning across the whole thing. Is this what you wanted to achieve?

    And by ‘hanging navbar’, do you mean the blank space on the right hand side of the links (within the dropdown)?



    You have to scroll ALL the way to the right hand side, buddy. I’m referring to the black rectangle you see on the far right spanning the height of the page below the blue nav bar. Whenever I add the "padding-left:100px;" to my CSS, that box appears. The reason I added that was to shift my nav menu to the right a little to align with my header image. In other words, if I remove "padding-left:100px;" from the CSS, the black rectangle on the far right goes away. (If you use FireBug on Firefox, you should be able to Inspect my nav-bar, remove the aforementioned CSS code, and you’ll see the rectangle disappear).

    Furthermore, you brought up a good point in your reply. In my drop down list, how do I get the text to stretch all the way from the far left to the far right rather than being squished in the middle? Thanks so much for your time!


    Are you sure you haven’t changed anything else other than the padding-left:100px?

    The link is still centered in the middle of the dropdown regardless of if padding-left:100px is applied or not.

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