Getting the css to affect the nav bar

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  • #747

    The generated css is not affecting the look of my nav bar.

    My url is:
    I’m using IE7 and Firefox 3.0.8
    My theme is: formandsubstance

    I used the css generator in the multilevel navigation generator page and got the code.
    Your directions say: "just copy and paste the CSS code from the generator to the plugins options page." But I could not figure out what page that was. So, copied and pasted the code into a file named: suckerfish.css It shows as a separate css in the admin edit page of my theme.

    I’ve uploaded the multilevel navigation plugin and activated it.

    I’ve added the js code to the header.php file.

    I really like the dropdowns and the slide over features. It works well, but is ugly because it is huge and the wrong color of blue.

    The one other thing I want to do is exclude: categories, archives.

    Thanks for your help.



    There is no file named suckerfish.css being used at

    You need to go to the plugins admin page and then using the tabs at the top of the page navigate your way to the ‘Appearances’ section. There is a large textarea for you to paste the CSS into. After you press submit the menu should appear as expected.


    Can’t find the "appearances" tab under plugins… there is an appearance option outside of the plugins page, but it doesn’t list Multi-Level-navigation as an editable css (it only let’s you edit the themes’ css).


    Hi Ryan,

    I’m having lots of trouble with my web host. I’m not able to edit my css files. I’m working with their tech support. But, in the meantime, in order to get the multilevel nav working, I’ve set it up on a different host.

    The url is:
    I’m using the CSS under formandsubstance theme
    I’m using IE7 and Firefox
    I cut and pasted the css generated from your code generator into the theme css file.
    I’ve activated the plugin
    I’ve put the "<?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>" code in the header.php

    and the bar is not showing at all.
    Can you help?

    Thanks so much,


    @camifran – I said on the ‘plugins admin page’, not in the ‘tab under plugins’. The plugins admin page is under the settings tab.

    – You don’t need to edit any actual files. This can all be done via the admin panel. All you need to do is enter the CSS into your admin panel under the ‘appearances tab’ once you are in the plugins admin page.

    EDIT: The plugin is not working correctly for you. It is not displaying the style.php file as expected … … /style.php. Perhaps try reinstalling the plugin to correct it. The CSS in your theme seems to be working fine though … … /style.css


    Hi Ryan, <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    When I finally found the right place to put the code it works like a dream. If you would like, I will write clearer directions as to where to put the code. I’m sure there are people who give up before they use your wonderful code because they can ‘t figure out where it goes.

    Just one other thing. I’d like categories and archives to not show up in the drop down bar. Which code do I change or delete. I’m afraid to just start messing with it.

    Thanks so much. Happy Easter!


    You don’t need to to change any code to alter what shows in your menu, that is controlled by the plugins admin page.

    And yep, I’m keen for you to write a simple explanation on where to put the code for noobs. I’m not very good at writing such things unfortunately it seems <img decoding=” title=”Sad” /> You won’t be able to cover all possible situations, in fact covering about 75% will be tricky enough as every theme behaves differently to the next.


    This plugin does not work. I’ve done everything you told me to do. I put the CSS in your Appearance tab, I put it in my style.css, I used that
        <?php if (function_exists(‘pixopoint_menu’)) {pixopoint_menu();} ?>
    I also used the
        <ul> <li>item1</li> <li>item2</li> </ul>
    structure, I even copied and pasted the code at the Glad Tidings Assembly Klang site.

    NOTHING WORKS. It does not work. Period. Unless your directions are wrong. Because I followed them COMPLETELY!!!


    Well the plugin seems to be working for everybody else.

    It is probably a very basic problem, but nobody can help without seeing your site.

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