Getting rid of search bar

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  • #7934
    "NevilleLang" wrote:
    I can only guess that PixoPoint menu must not take account that a static page can be selected and therefore always shows the standard blog page on the menu.

    It will always display your site root via the home item.

    If you set a static page to be your home page, then you will then end up with two home links. I could probably work in something to prevent that happening, but I’m not convinced it would not cause more confusion than it removes. I’m open to suggestions otherwise though. I’m only guessing that removing it would make things more confusing, I may be entirely wrong (plus it’s easier to code the way it is right now as I’d have to write something to dynamically remove it otherwise).


    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Personally, I would not worry about any change. Although I have used WordPress in other sites of mine that do use a blog (this is the main reason WordPress exists I guess), in this instance for this one website, I chose to create a non-blog site only because I am familiar with WordPress and wanted to get a site up quickly.

    I have a suspicion that there would not be many too people using WordPress in this way. In any event, it is a simple to use the pageMash plugin to make the other page Home page ‘hidden’ – so that was the quickest workaround for me. Interingly, although the Home page (the old About page) is now marked as ‘hiiden’ in pageMash, resulting in now only one Home menu item, you can still edit the ‘hidden’ Home page and the details will display. This is an intersting outcome of the pageMash hidden feature.

    I personally do not think it is worthwhile for you to go to any lengths to change the PixoPoint menu for this possible rare usage of WordPress.

    Neville Lang

    "NevilleLang" wrote:
    In any event, it is a simple to use the pageMash plugin to make the other page Home page ‘hidden’ – so that was the quickest workaround for me.

    Or you could the same thing with the PixoPoint Menu plugin … just drag the home page out of the menu.


    Hi Ryan,

    As a matter of interest, I just tried moving the Home box on your PixoPoint menu to the Inactive area but while it physically moves there using drag and drop, when I click on the ‘Update Options’ button, it returns back to its previous posiiton after the Update has porcessed. In other words, it is not ‘sticking’ in the Inactive area.

    You might remember that I had a trouble with the Search move doing the same thing but it evetually "stuck" in the ‘Inactive’ area, after I did a fre other things. I tried again today and the Home box will still not remain in the Inactive area.

    I am happy to give you admin access to this site for you to check this issue out but it is probably best to send me an email so we can do that off this forum, when you get a moment.

    Neville Lang


    Do you have the same problem when you deactivate all of your plugins? … apart from the PixoPoint menu plugin of course <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />


    Hi Ryan,

    Yuor clue was a good one. I deactivated all of my plugins and the move of the Home box into the Inactive area worked.

    I then activated each of my plugins, one at a time, and then tried to see if I was getting the problem. All of them were OK except for pageMash v1.3.0, so there is a likely conflict there.

    I do not think you need to do anything in PixoPoint excpet to note that there is a conflict. The only reason I used pageMash was for the page ‘hide’ feature, and PixoPoint provides that anyway so I have simply deleted pageMash and everything is working fine now.

    Thank you for the clue and keep up your good work on PixoPoint menu.

    Neville Lang

    P.S. I must admit that typing into this forum’s post drives me crazy becasue after a page of text, where everything is fine, when it seems to want to scroll down the page, the window keeps jumping up and down on every keystoke and it is vey hard to read what is being typed in. Anyway to fix it?


    I’ve never experienced windows jumping here. What browser were you using when this happened?


    Hi Ryan,

    I use IE8 (64-bit).

    I sent another post to this forum this morning and had the same problem – the post entry jumping up and down with each keystroke, after the default window size is exceeded and the scroll bar is displayed

    Neville Lang

    P.S. I just played around with text entry on this post and the jumping up and down seems to occur from the 15th line onwards. All lines prior to that are OK.


    Oh, that’s weird. When I viewed the forum in IE8 all of our posts have a stupid big white block above them. Very strange.

    The people who coded this forum theme are not very good with CSS so I guess this is another bug. I had to fix a bunch of other bugs relating to modern browsers when I launched this theme for the forum, but I probably didn’t bother checking in really old browsers and just trusted it to work okay.

    I can’t replicate the "jumping" motion you mention though, I just get stupid looking white blocks above the posts.


    I suspect they’d done a crude hack to fudge the posts into alignment in IE, but I removed that hack to fix another bug in Webkit browsers.

    If I get time, I might fix it at some point, but I can’t imagine many web developers would be using such an old browser anyway so hopefully not many people will experience it.


    Hi Ryan,

    &quot;Ryan&quot; wrote:
    I suspect they’d done a crude hack to fudge the posts into alignment in IE, but I removed that hack to fix another bug in Webkit browsers.

    If I get time, I might fix it at some point, but I can’t imagine many web developers would be using such an old browser anyway so hopefully not many people will experience it.

    Did you mean that IE8 is an old browser or were you referring to the hack was for old browers?


    P.S. I just took a video of the jumping on this post and will post up to YouTube so that you can see what it is like from my end. I will provide a link later when I have uploaded the file.

    &quot;NevilleLang&quot; wrote:
    Did you mean that IE8 is an old browser or were you referring to the hack was for old browers?

    "Old" was probably the wrong word to use. What I meant was "crappy", meaning that IE8 is seriously flawed in comparison to everything else.

    Thanks for going to so much hassle!


    Hi Ryan,

    Here is my link to YouTube showing you what happens at my end: . Sorry that the video ended upside down but you can still see what is going on. It was not worth doing it again.

    Thanks for eltting me know yuor thoughts on IE8. I have to confess that I have always favoured IE over the others but then again for no technical reason, only because I have used IE since it first came out all those years ago, and I know my way around it.

    I have all of the other browsers (well most of them) for testing and still like getting around in IE8.

    It seems that Safari (on Windows) takes forever to load to just get to my standard Google screen. All the others are almost instant though FireFox is a little slow too but not as slow as Safari.

    Neville Lang


    Your video redirects to

    All versions of IE run slower than all modern browsers. Both in CSS rendering and in JavaScript performance.


    Hi Ryan,

    Sorry about that. I did not know how to edit the link in my previous post but the problem seems to be the trailing full stop. If you scrape the link without the trailing full-stop and paste the address in, it should work fine.


    P.S. I am using my 32-bit Opera browser for this post and it does not seem to behave with the jumping. I only use this browser if a site has flash. My IE8 (64-bit) cannot see fails on flash because Adobe does not yet provide a 64-bit version of Flash for 64-bit browsers.
      I would say that the problem might be related to how IE8 handles the forum code.
      Again, I would judge this to be a low-priority issue for you but I thought I would at least raise it with you.

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